Replication Publication Wizard Seems to Ask Wrong Questions

  • When you run this wizard and get to the screen for "publication type" there are three choices: snapshot, transactional, and merge replication. 

    If you select anything other than "merge" you should not go to the next screen that it takes you to when you hit "next"... as that screen is labeled "updatable subscriptions".  The two options on this screen are "immediate" and "queued".

    Why would you want EITHER if you are doing a snapshot, or simple transactional replication?  I think the correct choice here has to be no choice.  I am surprised that you get an option, since you are not updating at the subscriber with these two forms of replication.

    What am I missing, please?

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

  • David,

    The choice tells u how soon u want the "Update" to happen on the subscriber. You can have a replication set up to update subscriber once an hour or so (Not Immediate - "Queued"). This choice applies to both Transactional and snapshot. You are going to update the subscriber from publisher(that is what replication does).

    Merge is when both "Publisher" and "Subscriber" can be updated and the changes need to flow both way.

    Hope this clarifies.




  • We will BOTH have to look at it again.  I have seen and read it three times now (can't run it at the moment) and it seems to say the same thing each time... and it is asking if you want updates at the subscriber to be queued or continious, not updates TO the subscriber.  The schedule as to when to update the subscriber is elsewhere.

    Sorry.  Maybe I am being dense; but I don't think you understand either.

    Thanks for taking the time to try though.  I do appreciate you.

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

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