Replication architecture

  • People, i have the following situation..

    PC A is not in the network (has an ip of 1.1.1.x).

    PC B is in the network (has 2 ips, 1.1.1.x and 192.168.x.x)

    PC C is in the network (has an ip of 192.168.x.x)

    The objective is to have the DB that is on PC A into PC C!!

    What is the best architecture for doing this??



    Cláudia Rego

  • Helloooo...

    No tips?!?!


    Cláudia Rego

  • You are asking the hole architecture may be you should as questions related to db issues, then you might get some good tips on that.


    Prakash Sawant

  • Cláudia,

    I'm sorry but there isn't enough information here.

    The simplest way would be to route between the two networks but I'm guessing that you have reasons for not doing that or you wouldn't be asking the question.

    Is this one way or two replication?

    Does PC B have SQL Server installed?

    Would it be possible for PC B to be the publisher?

  • Ok.

    For security reasons I would prefer not having PC A in the network 192.168.x.x

    The objective is to have the DB that is on PC A into PC C!!

    PC A and PC B have MSDE. PC C have SQL Server 2000.

    The present solution that is implemented is:

    In 1st replication: PC A is the publisher and PC B is the subscriber.

    In 2nd replication: PC B is also publisher and PC C is subscriber.

    So PC B acts like commum node between the two nets.

    My question is: do I have a best solution??

    There are others ways of doing this?




    Cláudia Rego

  • It will work, I suppose, but I haven't tested it. The preferential configuration would be to only have one publisher and the other two servers as subscribers. In the configuration you have described, that would obviously have to be computer B.

    There is a future risk and that is SQL Server 2005 Express (the logical replacement for MSDE) can only act as a subscriber. So there will be a future financial liability when it comes to upgrading. It is not an issue so long as you are aware of it and accept the future liability.

    Apologies for not replying sooner, I've been extremely busy.

  • You have to have connectivity at the network level before you can worry about replication. Whether that's an internal LAN, WAN link to other location, or even VPN over internet/direct link. Once you have a connection you can think about authentication. Typically your network team will help with both of those. Then you can decide which of the many replication models make sense.

  • Andy, let me know if I understood your reply..

    Since I don't have conectivity between network 1.1.1.x and network 192.168.x.x i can not replicate a DB between them. Right?

    To end with this situation, i can use a LAN a WAN ou a VPN. Am i correct?

    Suppose a bank wants replicate a DB between its branch office in Twain and its branch office in Portugal. They must have "connectivity" between those servers. Correct?

    In this scenario, what it the most used solution?

    Thanks a lot



    Cláudia Rego

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