Replicated transactions are waiting for next Log backup or for mirroring partner to catch up

  • I have SQL Server 2008 transactional replication for 21 locations.No Mirroring is configured on this server for any database yet I am getting the error:

    Replicated transactions are waiting for next Log backup or for mirroring partner to catch up

    Due to this without taking log backup the the log reader shows this above error and replication is not continued


  • Does the system table below show entry of some old mirroring set up which was removed later

    select * from sys.database_mirroring

    If this is has some entries of mirrored database please break the mirroring if you are not using it.

    Cheer Satish 🙂

  • I have checked from GUI and :

    Select * from sys.database_mirroring_endpoints;

    and find nothing.

    That server is never used for mirroring also.

    It is production and needs lots of approval for any change.


  • Hi,

    After enabling trace 1448 the issue has not resolved.


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