Replacing NULL in Reporting Services

  • I have a field where I'm trying to replace it's value of 0 to "-" or if the field is empty to "-".

    The data is coming from Analysis Services and this particular field shows (null) under the Data tab. The issue is the field is missing, so I can use the IsMissing property but since I'm also testing for 0 I'm running into a problem. I get the error "This field is missing from the returned result set from the data source."

    I tried to write the expression as

    =iif(Fields!Stat_Qty.IsMissing, "-", iif(Fields!Stat_Qty.Value = 0, "-", Fields!Stat_Qty.Value))

    To test if the member is empty first then if false test if the value is 0. This doesn't work though.

    Any suggestions?


  • Try the following expression:

    =iif(Fields!Stat_Qty.Value = nothing, "-", iif(Fields!Stat_Qty.Value = 0, "-", Fields!Stat_Qty.Value))

  • Thanks, that helped me today 🙂

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