replace function

  • Hi all,

    I tried to update one column data using replace function. but it doesn't work, can you help?

    here it is: (the data in content column is a long string  and I try to replace string in the middle of the string start with ACCT= and then followed by 4 digits with 'xxxxxxxx', but it doesn't work)

    update log set content=replace(content, 'ACCT=[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]', 'xxxxxxxx') where tier='C'


    Thank you


  • very strange, I cannot even update.

    Is it because it is text field?

    what should I do then?


    Thank you.


  • Try using UPDATETEXT.



  • Greg,

    thank so much. that's good informaiton for me. I just noticed that content column is actually varchar(200).

    Do you see any defect in my sql statement?

    Thank you.

  • I guess in the replace function, the search string cannot be search string pattern format?

  • what function I can use to delete certain number character in the string if I can locate the start position of the character.



  • Wildcards are only allowed when using the LIKE operator, as far as I know. REPLACE looks for an exact match of the substring, and while that feels a lot like LIKE, it is not like LIKE, like it or not.

    Try using PATINDEX, together with the substring functions, I bet you can get it to work.

    edit: I was wrong! Wildcards are also allowed in PATINDEX. Try this:

    set NOCOUNT ON

    create table #log (content varchar(200), tier char(1))

    insert into #log select 'aaaaaaa ACCT=1234 aaaaaaaa', 'A'

    insert into #log select 'aaaaaaaaa ACCT=1235 aaaaaa', 'A'

    insert into #log select 'ccccccc ACCT=1234 cccccccc', 'C'

    insert into #log select 'ccccccccc ACCT=1235 cccccc', 'C'

    insert into #log select 'ccNoAcctc cccccc', 'C'

    declare @chars2del int --The fixed number of characters to delete

    select @chars2del=9

    update #log set content =

    left(content, PATINDEX('%ACCT=[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%', content)-1) +

    right(content, len(content)-(PATINDEX('%ACCT=[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%', content)+@Chars2Del))

    where tier='C' and content like '%ACCT=[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'

    select * from #log

    drop table #log

    You get:

    content tier

    ------------------------------- ----

    aaaaaaa ACCT=1234 aaaaaaaa A

    aaaaaaaaa ACCT=1235 aaaaaa A

    ccccccc cccccccc C

    ccccccccc cccccc C

    ccNoAcctc cccccc C

  • What function I can use to delete certain number character in the string if I can locate the start position of the character.

    Betty, use the Stuff() function for that, like this:

    DECLARE @s-2 varchar(200)

          , @startPos int

          , @numCharsToDelete int

    SET @s-2 = 'ACCT=1033-4055-ABCD-001'

    SET @startPos = 6

    SET @numCharsToDelete = 5

    PRINT @s-2

    SET @s-2 = Stuff(@s, @startPos, @numCharsToDelete , '')

    PRINT @s-2



  • thank you so much, Addict. That's very good info. I never knew the stuff function before.

    Before I got your post. I did in this way.

    update log set content='acct='+substring(content, 15, 190) where ...

    Thank you for all contribution. I just learnt a lot from you guys.


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