REPLACE 2 lines CR+LF by 1 line CR+LF

  • In a table, I have a field (text format) which contains sometimes 2 or 3 consecutive empty lines of Carriage return + Line feed

    I would like replace these 2 or 3 lines by only 1 line CR+LF


    Could you help me to build the sql query?


    Many thanks

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  ddperso.
  • To handle one pair of consecutive CRLF, you'd use one replace. For additional consecutive CRLF, you nest additional replace statements.

    DECLARE @crlf char(2) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    DECLARE @doubleCRLF char(4) = @crlf + @crlf ;

    -- Two replaces handle 3 consecutive CRLF
    UPDATE tablename SET field = REPLACE(REPLACE(field,@doubleCRLF,@crlf),@doubleCRLF,@crlf)
  • Many thank's ratbak

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