Reorg job & failing TRN backups

  • Noticed the trn backups where failing with error "backup log failed, There is no current database backup".

    In order to save disk space I had a "Reorg Index Task" maintenance plan set up, but preceeded it with a tsql cmd to set recovery model to simple. Then do the reorg task and set recov model back to full. This all worked fine and LDF size did not grow. (btw, this job run after a full backup)

    After this reorg job the maintenance plan to do the TRN backups kept failing.

    Was my approach wrong to set db first to simple when doing a reorg?



  • The short answer is yes.  You can not do a transaction log backup of a database set to the simple recovery model.  In this mode, the transaction log is automatically truncated when the transaction is checkpointed, ie written to the database.  Please take a few minutes to read BOL regarding the different recovery models, I think they do a good job describing them.

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