Remove Old Data & Shrink the DB - best way?

  • I have a SQL Database, one table has may rows. Most all of the data is in a TEXT column (basically a log table). 250K rows now. Clustered index on RID Int Identity column. I want to remove ~ 90% of the "older" rows, for the purpose of "trimming" down the DB size itself. What is the best way?

    I'm thinking... (All T-SQL in Q/A) Backup, copy the ~ 10% of the recs I want to keep to another DB, TRUNCATE the table, SHRINK something???, copy the "kept" records back in.

    Suggestions on the "SHRINK" part please, or other ideas?


    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • If you don't care about resetting the rid values, I would just use something like:

    (Assume table has two columns: rid int identity(1,1) and logtext text)

    delete logs

     where rid in (select top 90 percent rid from logs order by rid)

    or, if you wanted to reset the identity values to start from 1, you could do this:

    select logtext

      into #logs_temp

      from logs

     where rid not in (select top 90 percent rid from logs order by rid)

    truncate table logs

    insert logs (logtext) select logtext from #logs_temp

    drop table #logs_temp

    select * from logs

    Then, backup the database or truncate the transaction log, then run DBCC SHRINKDATABASE



  • Thanks Mike, sorry it took a while. I SELECTed INTO #Temp the recs, TRUNCATEd Table, Backed up, DBCC SHRINKDATABASE, INSERT .. SELECT FROM #Temp.

    Worked fine, brought the DB down to size.

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

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