Remotely executing a SSIS package through excel, batch etc...

  • Hey Guys

    I have built a SSIS package that I can call through batch file on the server. The SSIS package runs a view and aggregates data, based on the date filter.

    Q1: I need to be able to remotely execute this SSIS package through excel, batch file or any other thing that works. We do have a reporting tool, but these are non-regular users and we will be wasting licenses if we start handing out reporting to each and every user.

    Q2: How can I remotely pass parameters through this program to run the SSIS package.

    Any help is appreciated here. I need to hand this over and let users run at their own convenience after entering date fields.



  • What version of SSIS are you using?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • BIDS 2008.

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