Remote Server

  • Hello Everybody:

    I has been search a good solution about my problems, I try to explain the best posible, I need to execute many SP on the remote server, we made a Linked server to remote server with an acount with sysadmin privileges, my local server is on Windows 2003 SP3 with SQL 2000 version 8.0.2050, the remote server is on windows 2003 server SP3 with SQL 2005 version 9.0.4053, the linked server has been configured with "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server", Data Access = True, RPC = True, RPC Out= True, when we do a consult how a select we don't have problem, there are someone thah help me to resolve this?, thanks for all

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • I am not sure if I understand where you are having a problem. Are you having a problem running the stored procedure in a query window or through a program?

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • Thanks for you answer, I believe that I don't provide all information about this topic, we needed to execute a store procedure on remote server with the linked server, but we find ther error, we had a sintax error in the procedure, thanks again

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

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