Redirect from SSRS Report to a URL with parameters from the report

  • Hi

    I'm redirecting to a site url on intranet from SSRS Report , but nt been able to take values / parameters in the URL..

    Plz Help


  • Can you please post the code you are using to generate the URLs? Are you using the URL Action property of the textbox? You'll probably need to create them dynamically by creating an expression for them... Soemthing like" & Fields!Param1.Value & "?&param2=" & Fields!param2.Value

    Note that this will open you up to some perhaps less than desirable information disclosure if you aren't validating the parameters on the other end. I.E. don't just let someone type parameters, check the refer URL and a variety of other ways to make sure your users can't get to data that they shouldn't be allowed to. Also SSL to encrypt sensative data across the wire may help as well.


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  • Hi Luke

    Thanx for the reply...

    See i m using URL action property of the textbox....and i want to use the value of the textbox in the URL.

    URL :


    In this URL , i want to use the OwnerType & OwnerID values from the reporting services...but whenever i use them with the syntax, it takes the entire systax as the value...n throws an error...

  • Is that the URL you are getting or is that what you are typing in the action property? Also depending on if there are any special characters in your data you may need to use use urlencode/decode type operations on the URL.

    Also notice in the example I posted that I'm building a string and concatenating it together. when you pass in the parameters to the URL you need to break the string use an & and then Fields!Feildname.Value

    Can you please post exactly what you have in your action attribute for that text box as previously requested? I see no quotes in what you posted previously.


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