Recursive Select runs slow

  • Hello,

    I have a recursive Select that runs ultra slow. My test table has only 100 entries and I've aborted the execution after almost an hour execution time. Here's a dbFiddle:

    The second box in the fiddle shows the whole Select and the third box shows the recursive select that causes the bad performance. I think the problem is, that the recursive Select processes all entries multiple times. Do you have an idea how to improve performance? Or do you have a better approach to solve my task?

    What I want to achieve

    I have a table with object links and the task is "Find a bundle with number less than X". The starting point doesn't matter, but the bundle must always contain ALL entries for ObjectA and ALL for ObjectB.

    Examples for possible bundles


    • If you start with UniqueID = 1 then the entries with UniqueID 1 - 6 should be selected. The same result should be given when you start with UniqueID 2,3,4,5,6.
    • If you start with UniqueID = 7, the entries with UniqueID 7-9 should be selected. The same result should be given when you start with UniqueID 8,9.

    Then let's say I search a bundle with number of rows less than 10, then should the first bundle be selected, that meets this condition - e.g. the first bundle (UniqueID 1-6).

    If I search a bundle with number of rows less than 5, then should the second bundle (UniqueID 7,8,9) be selected, because the first one has 6 rows.

    Thanks, Soleya

  • Okay... let's restate the problem.   What you posted as the "task" is: "Find a bundle with number less than X".

    Not sure exactly what that means, as neither "bundle", nor "number" is defined anywhere in your post.   I can pick up on the word number from context that the "bundle" has less than X rows.   However, while I have an idea about what bundle might mean, I am not at all sure I'm right.  It would appear, and from context, that a "bundle", is all rows that, starting from a given UniqueID value, that share any of the ObjectA or ObjectB values as any other row's UniqueID or ObjectA or ObjectB values.   However, without a rather larger example set to work with, it's not certain that it might not simply be "any other row's ObjectA or ObjectB values.   This would make a difference.   And, does the data always follow the kind of pattern established, in that all rows in a bundle are consecutive in terms of UniqueID value?    Until these questions are answered with certainty, I'd hesitate to try and start coding something when the right approach might require that I throw away all the previous work.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • I'd forget recursion for this for now, maybe try a more "loopy" approach:

    USE tempdb;

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.objectLinks;

    CREATE TABLE dbo.objectLinks (
    UniqueID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    ObjectA int NOT NULL,
    ObjectB int NOT NULL
    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.objectLinks
    INSERT INTO dbo.objectLinks (ObjectA, ObjectB)
    VALUES (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5);

    CREATE TABLE #bundles (
    UniqueId int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    ObjectA int NOT NULL,
    ObjectB int NOT NULL,
    Pass# smallint NOT NULL,
    has_been_processed bit NOT NULL DEFAULT 0


    DECLARE @MaxUniqueID int
    DECLARE @NewObjectsFound int
    DECLARE @ObjectA int
    DECLARE @ObjectB int
    DECLARE @Pass# smallint
    DECLARE @UniqueID int

    SELECT @UniqueId = Min(uniqueid),
    @MaxUniqueId = Max(uniqueid)
    FROM dbo.objectLinks

    WHILE @UniqueID <= @MaxUniqueID
    TRUNCATE TABLE #bundles;

    SET @Pass# = 1
    INSERT INTO #bundles ( UniqueID, ObjectA, ObjectB, Pass#, has_been_processed )
    SELECT UniqueID, ObjectA, ObjectB, @Pass#, 0
    FROM dbo.objectLinks
    WHERE UniqueID = @UniqueID
    SET @NewObjectsFound = @@ROWCOUNT

    WHILE @NewObjectsFound > 0
    SET @Pass# = @Pass# + 1
    INSERT INTO #bundles ( UniqueID, ObjectA, ObjectB, Pass#, has_been_processed )
    SELECT oL.UniqueID, oL.ObjectA, oL.ObjectB, @Pass#, 0
    FROM dbo.objectLinks oL
    SELECT 1
    FROM #bundles b
    WHERE b.UniqueId = oL.UniqueID
    ) AND
    SELECT 1
    FROM #bundles b
    WHERE b.has_been_processed = 0 AND
    ((oL.ObjectA IN (b.ObjectA, b.ObjectB)) OR
    (oL.ObjectB IN (b.ObjectA, b.ObjectB)))
    SET @NewObjectsFound = @@ROWCOUNT
    UPDATE #bundles
    SET has_been_processed = 1
    WHERE Pass# = @Pass# - 1
    END /*WHILE*/

    SELECT *, @UniqueID AS OriginalUniqueId
    FROM #bundles

    SET @UniqueID = @UniqueID + 1
    END /*WHILE*/

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • @sgmunson - Sorry for the bad test data and ambiguities.

    @scottpletcher - I've tested your approach and it's much faster. It runs 5 seconds for my test table with 100 entries. Thank you so much for your help, you saved my day :).

  • Nicely done, Scott...   I had a funny feeling that there was no way to  make recursion work for this, and that some kind of loop was likely a necessity.   My brain also went down the road of adding a column to represent a "BundleID", and then tried to think of a way to use a difference in ROW_NUMBER() values to identify a particular bundle.   That identification just wasn't going to happen with recursion, and there didn't really appear to be a set-based way to identify the bundle at all, so I gave up and posted for clarification, as I wasn't even sure I had the rules down for identifying a given bundle, as they weren't specifically stated.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Thanks all.

    Yeah, normally I too try to avoid loops, but in this case, it's probably better just to loop.

    For absolute max efficiency, you can uncomment the UPDATE #bundles statement, although unless you have a LOT of bundles, it's likely to make very little actual difference.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

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