Recording reads/writes per table

  • Does anyone know how to figure out how many reads/writes per second a certain database table gets? 

    I'm hoping there are either native or third party tools that provide this info, but I haven't seen anything of the sort when searching through google. 

    So far I've seen ways to capture statistics for reads/writes to physical disk and reads/writes to pages (which if I'm not mistaken can span multiple tables), but not for tables. 

    Is this even possible?  I know this is possible with Oracle, but I'm not so sure about SQL Server. 

    Can anyone shed any light on this? 

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  • I think the only granularity you can get is at the file level.  There is a function ... fn_virtualfilestats ??? ... something a along those lines which will tell you the read/write stats on the file level.  This may only be helpful if you use filegroups and split your tables across various files.

    Also, on a per connection basis....

    set statistics io on

    select * From sometable

    look in the messages tab and you will see some table level info

    Table 'sometable'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 1.

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