Recommended Books and Free Videos to learn SQL Server 2005/2008

  • Having Been signed off from work indefinitely, I decided to do something worth while with my time and teach myself C# & SQL Server in order to create database project for Home and small business use.

    I used to program in Forth years ago and successfully wrote and Accounts Package that has since fallen by the road side and I have used Excel for m any years.

    Can any one kindly recommend good reading material on either topic or on SQL Server controlled by C#?

    I have also found a few sites that provide free video,s tutorials on both subjects from the "How do You" series and so on - can anyone recommend any others.

    I look forward to receiving any suggested reading etc

    Clive Norman

  • For a great over view of SQL Server 2005 you could use the certification training books.

    70-431 - implementation and maintenance

    70-443 - Designing a Database Server Infostructure.

    70-444 - Optimizing and maintaining a Database Administration

    While they are dry reading, to do give a good over view and a place to start. The 431 book coveres everything from creating table to database mirroring.

    Hope that helps.

  • I refer to Inside SQL Server 2005 - TSQL Programming by Itzik Ben-Gan a lot. If you read this book cover-to-cover, I think it will address most TSQL concepts that you would encounter.

    I also use Books Online for reference.

  • Hi SSC Journeyman & SSC-Addicted

    Just a note to say thank you very much for your replies - they are appreciated.

    I have made a note of your suggestions and will follow them up tomorrow.

    In the meantime, if anyone else has a suggestion I would love to hear from you


    Clive Norman

  • C# 2.0: The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)

    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Unleashed

    Cant live without the Complete Series for C# or Unleased for SQL Server.

  • Hi SSC Rookie,

    Thank you very much for your kind suggestions - I will definitely be adding them to my list - TO BUY!

    Along with the suggestion from SSC Journeyman & SSC-Addicted - yesterday.

    Now all I have to do, is to purchase & settle down to digest the content of all your suggestions and hopefully it won't be too long before I am creating a reasonable database programs - myself.


    Kind Regards


    Clive Norman

  • For your work station at home -- go to and look at the DEVELOPER Edition of either SQL Server 2005 - cost $45.00 USD, or SQL Server 2008 cost $99.00 USD. Developer edition is almost equal to the mega $$ Enterprise edition and a great practice tool. Remember the freebie Express edition is so limited as to be not practical for learning much more than simple T-SQL

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  • HI,

    Than you very much for the tip regarding SQL Server 2008/2005 express edition, since I am in the UK I'll have a look on the developers edition.

    I also appreciate the tip regarding posting question - it will come in very handy in the future.

    Many thanks

    Clive Norman

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