Rebuilding Index, with and Indexed View in Place

  • Hi,

    I am unable to rebuild Indexes as I am having Indexed views in place.any practical workaround pls.

    The application mostly remains online and not allowed for a big enough down time where i can drop the views ... recreate indexes and create view again.




  • I know it has been quite awhile since you posted this question, and I was wondering two things. First, were you able to resolve the issue or is it still a problem. Two, how are you attempting to rebuild the indexes.

    I have numerous indexed views in our ODS database and I just ran a script without any problems to rebuild the indexes on the underlying table of one of them.

  • Hi Lynn Pettis,

    So great of you, firstly thanks a lot for the commitment you are showing to help out others in this community.

    There were just two many dependencies within the database, I addressed it by droping and re creating the indexes on the views and in between reindexing the indexes on tables :(....

    anyways done for this time!!!



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