read-sqltabledata and write-sqltabledata is not recognized as a cmdlet name, fun

  • Good morning all

    I can no longer use the powershell command "read-sqltabledata" and the command "write-sqltabledata"

    the message says "The term" read-sqltabledata "is not recognized as a cmdlet name, function, script file, or executable program. Check

    the spelling of the name, or if a path exists, verify that the path is correct and try again "

    For the Powershell version I am with version 5

    thanks for your help

    Sans titre

  • These commands are part of the sqlserver powershell module obtainable from:


  • As Ken indicated, it's part of the SQLServer module. Execute Get-InstalledModule and see if the SQLServer module is installed. If not, install that module be executing Install-Module SQLServer.



  • Are you using the SqlServer module? The older method was importing the sqlps module, which doesn't have these cmdlets.

  • I can't install this module there

    the result of the order

    Get-Installed Module

    Sans titre

    Install-Module -Name SqlServer

    Sans titre2

    thanks for your help


  • Try adding the parameter that the error tells you to try:

    Install-Module SQLServer -AllowClobber


  • thank you very much

    the module has been installed

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