Read Only routing

  • Read only routing doesn't work when the secondary databases are in suspended mode. Is that accurate statement? I have tested it but wanted to confirm? Also, when I test the read only routing with -K flag I do see sometimes it does complain about could not open a connection to sql server? Please advise?

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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  • Hope it is Always on setup, any Database to read it has to be in Synchronising mode or Standby mode in log shipping. If it is suspended, the DB is not online and not ready to connect.



    Durai Nagarajan

  • Thanks. Another question my understanding is when the secondary database are on suspend mode the log on the primary will continue to grow as it hasn’t sent the data to the ASYNC replica so I would need to make sure there is enough log space for that. Do I still need to disable the log backup or it is okay to run?

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