read access to a view only

  • Hi all,

    Maybe a stupid question for you experts, but I'm not much into security, so ...

    Is it possible, into SQL2005, to grant read access rights to a given user to one view only in a given DB?

    Thanks for your answer


  • What if I create a user U1,

    then I create a schema S1 to which I attach the user U1 with "deny all" permissions,

    then, in the Properties of the specific view V1, under Permissions I create the user U1 with Select grant rights.

    Does it make sense?

  • Hi,

    I'll really appreciate if someone could help me on this one.

    My aim is to grant reader rights to one specific user to only one view.

    So I wrote and ran following script:

    create view z_rp107 as select * from T1


    create login zl1 with password = 'xxx'


    create schema zs1 authorization dbo


    create user zu1 for login zl1 with default_schema = zs1


    grant select on v_rp107 to zu1


    table T1 exists, sql server 2005

    Logging in with the login I created, I can query the view z_rp107, but every other table as well!???!

    Following script works fine:

    select * from v_rp107 or select * from dbo.v_rp107

    but following doesn't work

    select * from zs1.v_rp107 or select * from zu1.v_rp107

    What am I doing wrong?

    Any help will be much appreciated ...


  • Added

    EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_reader', 'zu1'

    to my code, but it doesn't help

  • Here is an excellent article by Brian Kelly which may help you to accomplish what you want

    It contains examples and very good explanations and how to information

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Thank you bitbucket for your answer.

    Unfortunatly the article relates to sql server 2000 and excludes the schemas of sql 2005.

    It is however helpful on some issues ... thank you

  • SOLVED ...

    the problem was with the database roles granted

    thank you very much

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