Questions on upgrade from 7.0 to 2000

  • Greetings all,

    Our company is preparing to upgrade a non-clustered 7.0 server to a clustered 2000 server. I would appreciate any insights anyone can provide into this. We're still deciding on the method of upgrade (copy database wizard, backup/restore, attach/detach, scripts, etc.), so we're not tied to any one type if one is worse for this scenario. I'm not sure how, if at all, this would differ from an upgrade from a non-clustered server to non-clustered server so I thought I'd check with everyone here and see.

    Any help, including your horror stories, would be very much appreciated! 🙂

    Forever learning,


  • I think backup/restore is the easiest because you still have your old database in the old place just in case you need to look at the old stuff again. The clusted server is just hardware. SQL still live on the same shared whether the server is currently running from A side or B side. So I won't worry about it.


  • Thanks Mom 🙂

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