question on Cluster 2008

  • I have 2 questions.

    1) if there are 2 sql instances in 2 node cluster how many tempdb drives will be adviced as per best practice

    2) In a 2 node with 2 sql instances what is drive sizing best practices.

  • iamsam.sandeep (5/7/2012)

    1) if there are 2 sql instances in 2 node cluster how many tempdb drives will be adviced as per best practice

    One for each instance 😉

    iamsam.sandeep (5/7/2012)

    2) In a 2 node with 2 sql instances what is drive sizing best practices.

    How big do you think you'll need them?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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