Question about VALUE

  • In the thread: Lynn Pettis, showed the following code (I deleted a line or two):

    create table dbo.Tbl_ServerList(

    server_name sysname


    insert into dbo.Tbl_ServerList

    values ('MyServer1'),('MyServer2');


    declare @SQLCmd nvarchar(max);

    select @SQLCmd = stuff((select N'union all select Loginame,HostName,DbName,cmd from openrowset(''sqlncli'',''server='''

    + server_name + ';Trusted_Connection=yes;'',''exec sp_who'')' + nchar(13) + nchar(10)

    from dbo.Tbl_ServerList

    order by server_name

    for xml path(''),TYPE).value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,10,'');

    print @SQLCmd;


    drop table dbo.Tbl_ServerList;


    I understand how most of it works until I get to the .value('.', I do not understand how the "." can be an XQuery as I do not know what an XQuery is (I know it get information from xml).

    So my question is how does the "." work?


  • I recommend you read the series of posts on XQuery by Jason Strate found here, He does a better job explaining it than I can, but, briefly, .value will return the value found in the current node of an XML document.

  • Thanks for the link. That is a lot of information.:-)

    -- Found my answer in the link: "The period is used to designate that the element value to return is at the level that the nodes() method has browsed to."

  • Quick note (for completeness), the inner query returns an XML, the value() method is invoked on that XML


    (inner query returning XML).value() <--the value method on the XML data type.

  • Eirikur Eiriksson (11/24/2014)

    Quick note (for completeness), the inner query returns an XML, the value() method is invoked on that XML


    (inner query returning XML).value() <--the value method on the XML data type.

    For anyone who does not understand what is happening is the STUFF(..., 1, 10) removes the UNION from the beginning of the XML code returned by the VALUE.

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