question about temp tables and columns

  • Okay so this might be a n00b question but it's something I've been wondering about.  Say I have the following query:

    drop table if exists #table

    select 1 as foo, 2 as bar into #table

    select foo, bar from #table

    I can run this all day.  But then, let's say I make the following change:

    drop table if exists #table

    select 1 as foo, 2 as bar, 3 as blah into #table

    select foo, bar, blah from #table

    When I run this, I get an error stating that column 'blah' is invalid.  I know why this happens; the parser is looking at the existing #table and saying "You fool!  There is no column 'blah' in that table!"

    And so I have to run the drop table statement on it's own.   Once that is done, the new version of the query runs just fine.

    My question is:  Is there any way to get SQL to automatically pick up the new #table and not use the existing temp table?  I realize I can just drop the temp table at the end; but generally when this is an issue, it's because I am using the temp table to investigate something, so dropping it is counterproductive.




  • I think you would have to add a GO, otherwise if the table already exists SQL Server won't be able to "compile" the SQL:

    drop table if exists #table

    go --<<--<<--

    select 1 as foo, 2 as bar, 3 as blah into #table

    select foo, bar, blah from #table

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • True...  I'd just have to make sure I declare my variables after the GO...

    I was hoping for a more lazy approach I guess, but I think you're right 😀


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