Question about SP_EXECUTESQL

  • I have a stored procedure and i'm executing a dymamic SQL statement like this.

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(100)

    DECLARE @RowCount Int

    SET @sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable'

    I want to get the result of the query and store it in the @RowCount variable.

    I tried to use the following statement:

    SET @RowCount = EXEC(@sql)

    but this statement didnot work.

    i read in some forums that we can use a table instead and set the result to it like this:

    I created a table of one column:

    CREATE TABLE #Temp1 (RowsCount int)

    INSERT INTO #Temp1 EXEC(@RowSql)

    Then i got the value using a simple SELECT statement like this:

    SET @RowsCount = (SELECT RowsCount FROM #Temp1)

    Then I dropped the table:

    DROP TABLE #Temp1

    So the problem is solved, but i'm not intersted in this solution and looking for a better solution to get a scalar value from this procedure.

    Another solution was to use SP_EXECUTESQL procedure like this:


    @statement = @RowSql,

    @params = N'@RowsCountint OUTPUT',

    @RowsCount = @RowsCount OUTPUT

    but the problem was that in the procedure this statement returned this value in the result set, and i need this result to be (in-scope only) and don't want to return it to the applications result set.

    So is there a way to prevent it from returning in the result set?

  • Assigning the COUNT(*) to a variable will prevent it returning a result set

    DECLARE @RowsCount int

    SET @RowSql = 'SELECT @RowsCount = COUNT(*) FROM MyTable'


    @statement = @RowSql,

    @params = N'@RowsCount int OUTPUT',

    @RowsCount = @RowsCount OUTPUT


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Great, it's working

    thanks a lot.

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