Query using partial Group By

  • Wasn't sure how to word the Subject Line, but here is my question...

    (Using SQL Server 2000)

    There is a table in our Fire Department database that stores our trucks' status (Dispatched, Enroute, On Scene, etc...) The format of the data is as below...

    Truck Status StatusDateTime IncdNo Dispatcher

    M121 Dispatched 12:30:30 1234 13-1290

    E121 Dispatched 12:30:30 1234 13-1290

    L121 Dispatched 12:30:30 1234 13-1290

    M121 Enroute 12:32:32 1234 14-0001

    M121 On Scene 12:38:38 1234 15-0054

    E121 Enroute 12:34:24 1234 15-0054

    E121 In Service 12:40:00 1234 13-1290

    L121 Cancelled 12:43:22 0000 13-1290

    What I want is a query that shows each unique Truck and what their last Status, IncdNo, and Dispatcher were based on the latest StatusDateTime. I want the results from the above table to look like this..

    Truck Status StatusDateTime IncdNo Dispatcher

    M121 On Scene 12:38:38 1234 15-0054

    E121 In Service 12:40:00 1234 13-1290

    L121 Cancelled 12:43:22 0000 13-1290

    How do I write a query that gets me these results? A GroupBy query doesn't seem to work because the only fields I want to group are Truck and get the Max(StatusDateTime), but how do I show what the Status, IncdNo, and Dispatcher were without grouping them?

    Thanks for your input!

    Jason Miller

  • Try joining to a derived table.

    SELECT T.*

    FROM YourTable T

        JOIN (

                SELECT T1.Truck, MAX(T1.StatusDateTime) AS StatusDateTime

                FROM YourTable T1

                GROUP T1.Truck

            ) D

            ON T.Truck = D.Truck

                AND T.StatusDateTime = D.StatusDateTime



    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.SysObjects WHERE Name = 'Demo' AND XType = 'U' AND USER_NAME(uid) = 'dbo')

     DROP TABLE dbo.Demo


    CREATE TABLE dbo.Demo


       TruckID INT NOT NULL

     , StatusDate DATETIME NOT NULL

     , Status VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL

     , OperatorID INT NOT NULL



    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX CIX_Demo_StatusDate ON dbo.Demo (StatusDate, TruckID)


    INSERT INTO dbo.Demo (TruckID, StatusDate, Status, OperatorID) VALUES (1, '2007-07-07 13:13:13.333', 'Dispatched', 7)

    INSERT INTO dbo.Demo (TruckID, StatusDate, Status, OperatorID) VALUES (2, '2007-07-07 13:20:58.345', 'Dispatched', 8)

    INSERT INTO dbo.Demo (TruckID, StatusDate, Status, OperatorID) VALUES (1, '2007-07-07 13:14:00.000', 'En route', 9)

    INSERT INTO dbo.Demo (TruckID, StatusDate, Status, OperatorID) VALUES (2, '2007-07-07 13:25:20.765', 'Dispatched', 10)

    INSERT INTO dbo.Demo (TruckID, StatusDate, Status, OperatorID) VALUES (2, '2007-07-07 13:35:22.678', 'On scene', 11)

    INSERT INTO dbo.Demo (TruckID, StatusDate, Status, OperatorID) VALUES (3, '2007-07-07 14:50:12.250', 'Dispatched', 12)


    SELECT Trucks.* FROM dbo.Demo Trucks INNER JOIN

    (SELECT TruckID, MAX(StatusDate) AS CurrDate FROM dbo.Demo GROUP BY TruckID) dtLastInfo

    ON Trucks.TruckID = dtLastInfo.TruckID AND Trucks.StatusDate = dtLastInfo.CurrDate

    ORDER BY Trucks.TruckID


    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.SysObjects WHERE Name = 'Demo' AND XType = 'U' AND USER_NAME(uid) = 'dbo')

     DROP TABLE dbo.Demo


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