Query to see value matching values from two columns

  • The situation is I have a table that stores my server names and their node names (all two node) in case of a cluster.
    CREATE TABLE [REP].[Servers](
        [ServerName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
        [Active] [bit] NULL,
        [Environment] [varchar](255) NULL,
        [SQLVersion] [varchar](6) NOT NULL,
        [Edition] [varchar](255) NULL,
        [ServicePack] [varchar](255) NULL,
        [SQLBuildNumber] [varchar](15) NULL,
        [InServiceDate] [datetime] NULL,
        [DecommissionDate] [datetime] NULL,
        [IsCluster] [bit] NULL,
        [SQLNode1] [varchar](255) NULL,
        [SQLNode2] [varchar](255) NULL,
        [OSClusterName] [varchar](255) NULL,
        [GatherInfo] [int] NOT NULL,
        [LastUpdated] [datetime] NOT NULL,
        [UpdatedBy] [varchar](30) NOT NULL,
        [IPAddress] [varchar](max) NULL,
        [Port] [int] NULL)

    I have another table where I gather OS patch info with Powershell for all of my servers, over 100 of them.
    CREATE TABLE [REP].[ServerOSUpdates](
        [UpdateID] [int] NOT NULL,
        [ServerName] [varchar](200) NOT NULL,
        [UpdateKBNumber] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
        [UpdateInstallDate] [datetime] NULL,
        [UpdateInstalledBy] [varchar](50) NULL,
        [UpdateDescription] [varchar](50) NULL,
        [SampleDate] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL)

    In the case of the clustered boxes, I get the actual OS name (node name) of the server that Powershell gathered the patch info for, at the time. For reporting, I would like to match the server name to the node name when running queries like you see below. In that case, I am trying to match the node name (ServerName in ServerOSUpdates) , if there is one, to the servername in the Rep.Servers table. The following does a goo job, except it only matches to the first node. I am wondering how I can tell it to match to either node columns, SQLNode1 or SQLNode2, if the server is a cluster.

    This query is to find the servers that are not being captured by the process that collects the data.

    Select distinct S.ServerName, IsNull(S.SQLNode1, 'NA'), IsNull(S.SQLNode2, 'NA') from [REP].[Servers] S
    Left Join [REP].[ServerOSUpdates] U On
    Case S.IsCluster
        When 1 Then S.SQLNode1
        When 0 Then S.ServerName
    End = U.ServerName
    Where S.Active = 1 and S.GatherInfo = 1
    And U.ServerName is Null

    I was thinking of something like this but it doesn't work.
    Case S.IsCluster
        When 1 Then S.SQLNode1 Or S.SQLNode2
        When 0 Then S.ServerName
        End = U.ServerName

    I am hoping someone has a creative way of doing this in TSQL. I want to match on ServerName, unless IsCluster = 1  Then (SQLNode1 OR SQLNode2).


    Learning something new on every visit to SSC. Hoping to pass it on to someone else.

  • maybe something like :

    ;with a as
    (select servername from [REP].Servers where iscluster=0 and Active = 1 and GatherInfo = 1
    union select [SQLNode1] from [REP].Servers where iscluster=1 and Active = 1 and GatherInfo = 1
    union select [SQLNode2] from [REP].Servers where iscluster=1 and Active = 1 and GatherInfo = 1)
    select * from a
      left join Rep.[ServerOSUpdates] b on a.servername=b.servername
    Where b.servername is null

  • I will try this when I get back from vacation.


    Learning something new on every visit to SSC. Hoping to pass it on to someone else.

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