query one table three for three different where variables

  • I don't think so.  PIVOT works on only one column at a time, IIRC.  A cross-tab is almost certainly the best method here.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • I have only scan -read the conversation and not opened the workbook, but it sounds like you want to move the day number to 3 columns and populate those columns with a value from one of the other fields, with all of the other fields sill making up the row data.

    PIVOT should be able to handle that but more fields makes the PIVOT more difficult to construct.  Is there a shorter unique key you can use to generate the pivot and then join the pivot data back up to the full query?

    PIVOT becomes a bit of a pain if the columns names you want to pivot are not consistent as you then have to do it as a dynamic query.  This would also mean that you couldn't use the output in a reporting tool because the signature of the returns data will change unless you can call the day 'first''fifteenth','last', but if you are outputting to a reporting tool then probably just easier to generate a cross tab or equivalent in the reporting tool.  not sure how you would handle inconsistent results sets in c# as you would have to map on column position or dynamic names from the model.




  • Thanks Scott. Sorry for the delay. Took a few days away!

    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

  • Yes, Aaron, that is correct. I need it to display the three dates and the associated data in new columns. Reading up on CrossTab I think you and are correct. A crosstab may be my answer. I need to dig into it more though to understand it.



    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

  • Scott/Aaron, I think  I have nailed the basic. Take a look at this one.

    I still have to figure out how to replace the 1, 15, 31 for;

    DECLARE @FirstDOM datetime, @NextFirstDOM datetime


    SET @NextFirstDOM = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @FirstDOM)

    Have not used this before.

    USE tmdsDatabaseStatistics
    ControlPointName as 'CP Name',
    tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodelines.Legacytype as Type,
    SubName as 'Sub Division',
    SUM(ControlFailCount) AS 'Control Failures',
    SUM(ControlPointStatusDownCount) AS 'Control Point Down',
    FailureCount AS 'Failures',
    (CASE WHEN MONTH = 8 and DAY = 1
    THEN FailureCount
    ELSE 0
    END) AS "First of Month",
    (CASE when MONTH = 8 and DAY = 15
    THEN FailureCount
    ELSE 0
    END) AS "Middle of Month",
    (CASE when MONTH = 8 and DAY = 31
    THEN FailureCount
    ELSE 0
    END) AS "End of Month"
    FROM tmdsDatabaseStatistics.dbo.tblStatisticsLocationDay WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodeLines ON tmdsDatabaseStatistics.dbo.tblStatisticsLocationDay.codeline = tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodeLines.CodelineNumber
    --FROM tblStatisticsLocationDay
    WHERE ControlPointName NOT LIKE 'WD%' AND ControlPointName NOT LIKE 'WM%' and day in (1, 15, 31) and month = 8 and year = 2022 and FailureCount < '500' and FailureCount > '99'
    Group BY ControlPointName, codeline, tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodeLines.LegacyType, SubName, Year, Month, Day, FailureCount
    Order by Failures



    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

  • How do I pass a variable to the CASE Statement for the First/Middle/End of Month.

    doing a

    @year int
    @month int
    @day int
    SET @year = 2022
    SET @month = 8
    SET @day = 1

    I also tried using;

    DECLARE @d DATETIME = getdate(), @dm TINYINT = 29, @dm2 TINYINT=31

    SELECT month(DATEADD(DAY, @dm-1, DATEADD(MONTH, -1, DATEADD(DAY, 1-DAY(@d), @d))));
    SELECT month(DATEADD(DAY, @dm2-1, DATEADD(MONTH, -1, DATEADD(DAY, 1-DAY(@d), @d))));

    And pass that as variables.

    (CASE WHEN @month AND @day THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "First of Month",
    (CASE WHEN MONTH = 8 and DAY = 15 THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "Middle of Month",
    (CASE WHEN MONTH = 8 and DAY = 31 THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "End of Month"

    I receive this error

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 27

    Must declare the scalar variable "@month".

    Msg 319, Level 15, State 1, Line 31

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression, an xmlnamespaces clause or a change tracking context clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.

    Can I pass a variable with a CASE Statement?


    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

  • No need to specify the last day / number of days in the month, that can easily be calculated:

    (CASE WHEN MONTH = @month AND DAY = @day THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "First of Month",
    (CASE WHEN MONTH = @month AND DAY = 15 THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "Middle of Month",
    (CASE WHEN MONTH = @month AND DAY = DATEDIFF(DAY, DATEFROMPARTS(@year, @month, @day), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, DATEFROMPARTS(@year, @month, @day))) THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "End of Month"


    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • I will give a try when I get back to my desk.


    thanks Scott


    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

  • Scott, I modified the query and it looks like this (included to make sure we are both on the same page);

    USE tmdsDatabaseStatistics
    DECLARE @day int
    DECLARE @month int
    DECLARE @year int


    ControlPointName as 'CP Name',
    tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodelines.Legacytype as Type,
    SubName as 'Sub Division',
    SUM(ControlFailCount) AS 'Control Failures',
    SUM(ControlPointStatusDownCount) AS 'Control Point Down',
    FailureCount AS 'Failures',
    (CASE WHEN MONTH = @month AND DAY = @day THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "First of Month",
    (CASE WHEN MONTH = @month AND DAY = 15 THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "Middle of Month",
    (CASE WHEN MONTH = @month AND DAY = DATEDIFF(DAY, DATEFROMPARTS(@year, @month, @day), DATEADD(MONTH, 1, DATEFROMPARTS(@year, @month, @day))) THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "End of Month"

    FROM tmdsDatabaseStatistics.dbo.tblStatisticsLocationDay INNER JOIN tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodeLines ON tmdsDatabaseStatistics.dbo.tblStatisticsLocationDay.codeline = tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodeLines.CodelineNumber
    WHERE ControlPointName NOT LIKE 'WD%' AND ControlPointName NOT LIKE 'WM%' and day in (1, 15, 19) and month = 9 and year = 2022 and FailureCount > '500'
    Group BY ControlPointName, codeline, tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodeLines.LegacyType, SubName, Year, Month, Day, FailureCount
    Order by Failures desc

    Running the query results in;

    Must declare the scalar variable "@month".

    It shows the same error for the @year, and @day variables. You will note I have the variable declared at the beginning of the query.

    If I change the CASE Statements to;

    (CASE WHEN DAY = 1 THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "First of Month",
    (CASE WHEN DAY = 15 THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "Middle of Month",

    Then the query runs and based on the where statement it gives the results for the 1, 15, 19, which is what I had in it. I think I need to move the or First/Middle/End of month date command into the WHERE clause.

    Is this making sense? or am I just hitting the wrong direction.



    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

  • Scott, I think this is the answer. Please review and give me  your opinion.

    USE tmdsDatabaseStatistics
    --DECLARE @day int
    DECLARE @month int
    DECLARE @year int
    DECLARE @d DATETIME = getdate(), @day TINYINT = 29, @dm2 TINYINT=31
    SET @day = month(DATEADD(DAY, @day-1, DATEADD(MONTH, -1, DATEADD(DAY, 1-DAY(@d), @d))));
    SET @month = DATEPART(mm, DATEADD(mm,-1, GETDATE()));
    SET @year = DATEPART(yyyy, DATEADD(yyyy, 0, GETDATE()));

    ControlPointName as 'CP Name',
    tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodelines.Legacytype as Type,
    SubName as 'Sub Division',
    SUM(ControlFailCount) AS 'Control Failures',
    SUM(ControlPointStatusDownCount) AS 'Control Point Down',
    FailureCount AS 'Failures',
    (CASE WHEN DAY = 1 THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "First of Month",
    (CASE WHEN DAY = 15 THEN FailureCount ELSE 0 END) AS "Middle of Month",

    FROM tmdsDatabaseStatistics.dbo.tblStatisticsLocationDay INNER JOIN tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodeLines ON tmdsDatabaseStatistics.dbo.tblStatisticsLocationDay.codeline = tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodeLines.CodelineNumber
    WHERE ControlPointName NOT LIKE 'WD%' AND ControlPointName NOT LIKE 'WM%' and DAY in (1, 15, @day) and month = @month and year = @year and FailureCount > '500'
    Group BY ControlPointName, codeline, tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodeLines.LegacyType, SubName, Year, Month, Day, FailureCount
    Order by Failures desc


    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

  • I was trying to follow this - and it seems to have gone in different directions.  It seems you want to define the DAY for the end of the month - which is actually a lot easier than what Scott has provided.

        Use tmdsDatabaseStatistics;

    Declare @current_date datetime = getdate(); -- Run for the current date

    Declare @last_day int = day(eomonth(@current_date)) -- Last day of the month for current date
    , @current_month int = month(@current_date)
    , @current_year int = year(@current_date);

    Select [CP Name] = ControlPointName
    , Codeline
    , Type = cl.Legacytype
    , [Sub Division] = SubName
    , [Control Failures] = sum(ControlFailCount)
    , [Control Point Down] = sum(ControlPointStatusDownCount)
    , Failures = FailureCount
    , [First of Month] = sum(Case When DAY = 1 Then FailureCount Else 0 End)
    , [Middle of Month] = sum(Case When DAY = 15 Then FailureCount Else 0 End)
    , [End of Month] = sum(Case When DAY = @last_day Then FailureCount Else 0 END)
    From tmdsDatabaseStatistics.dbo.tblStatisticsLocationDay sld
    Inner Join tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodeLines cl On cl.CodelineNumber = sld.codeline
    Where ControlPointName NOT LIKE 'W[DM]%'
    And DAY In (1, 15, @last_day)
    And month = @current_month
    And year = @current_year
    And FailureCount > '500'
    Group By
    , codeline
    , cl.LegacyType
    , SubName
    Order By
    Failures desc;

    Some of the changes I made:

    1. Used DAY(EOMONTH(@current_date) to calculate the last day of the current month
    2. Changed the variables to something a bit more identifying
    3. Added table aliases to simplify the ON clause

      1. You should get in the habit of always using a table alias and specifying the table alias for all column references.

    4. Add sum to the CASE expressions and added a sum for 'Failures'

      1. I am assuming here that you want a total of all failures for all days selected - and the breakout of failures for each day selected.

    5. Removed FailureCount from the group by - again, assuming you want a total failures and breakout by day
    6. Modified/Combined the filter: ControlPointName NOT LIKE 'W[DM]%'

      1. Using the brackets it states where not like the first character = W, the secondary character is either a D or M, followed by anything else.

    7. Removed Year/Month/Day from both the select and the grouping.  You are cross-tabbing the data so you have a column for each 'day' that is being selected.  The year and month won't change - if you want to include those in the query then you can just use the variables (which don't need to be in an aggregate or the group by).


    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • First off, THANK YOU to all of you.

    Jeffrey, one clarification question regarding Month/Day/year. The boss wants that info there. I am not following comment # 7 completely.

    Also if I want to query it for PREVIOUS month, I should only have to change the @current_date and add a -1 correct?



    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

  • Since the query is already filtered by year/month and specific days - there is no reason to include them in the results.  If you do want to include them, then you can include the year/month but not the days.  The day column is what you are cross-tabbing and including that as a part of the grouping would actually cause the results to not roll up the way you want.

    If you want the previous month - then you actually need to do something like DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE()).  Any date in the previous month will work.  If this is going to need to be run for the previous month then change @current_date to a DATE data type and use EOMONTH:

        Use tmdsDatabaseStatistics;

    Declare @previous_month date = eomonth(getdate(), -1); -- Run for the current date

    Declare @last_day int = day(eomonth(@previous_month)) -- Last day of the month for current date
    , @report_month int = month(@previous_month)
    , @report_year int = year(@previous_month);

    Select [CP Name] = ControlPointName
    , Codeline
    , Type = cl.Legacytype
    , [Sub Division] = SubName
    , [Control Failures] = sum(ControlFailCount)
    , [Control Point Down] = sum(ControlPointStatusDownCount)
    , [Report Month] = sld.[Month]
    , [Report Year] = sld.[Year]
    , Failures = FailureCount
    , [First of Month] = sum(Case When DAY = 1 Then FailureCount Else 0 End)
    , [Middle of Month] = sum(Case When DAY = 15 Then FailureCount Else 0 End)
    , [End of Month] = sum(Case When DAY = @last_day Then FailureCount Else 0 END)
    From tmdsDatabaseStatistics.dbo.tblStatisticsLocationDay sld
    Inner Join tmdsDatabaseStatic.dbo.tblCodeLines cl On cl.CodelineNumber = sld.codeline
    Where ControlPointName NOT LIKE 'W[DM]%'
    And DAY In (1, 15, @last_day)
    And month = @report_month
    And year = @report_year
    And FailureCount > '500'
    Group By
    , codeline
    , cl.LegacyType
    , SubName
    , [Month]
    , [Year]
    Order By
    Failures desc;

    Here I have changed the variables to reflect the previous month - and labeled the columns/variables to reflect the previous month, and report month/year.


    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Jeffrey, thank  you. that is very helpful and explained well.

    Arron/Scott, Yours were very helpful and I appreciate all the explanation and recommendations. I learned a lot from this little query!

    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

  • Jeffrey, one last afterthought question;

    With regard to the current Month query; What if I wanted to go to @current_date -1?

    I tried changing the @last_day to date = day(day(@current_date), -1) .

    This runs however it is not providing results for the Middle of month now.



    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

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