Query on DB2 using ODBC

  • I am trying to query a field on a DB2 table. This is what I have so far:

    select a.*

    from openrowset ('msdasql','driver={sql server}; server=ascp; uid=a798181; pwd=eph429;',

    'select stdevnt_run_dt from gfspp00d.stdevnt')

    as a

    I am getting the following error msg:

    [ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Specified SQL server not found.]

    I believe the problem is that it is using Named Pipes and it should be TCP/IP. Does anyone know how to modify my SQL?


  • Brian Knight is our DB2 guy, but from his book, I see you need a provider for Db2. It looks like you are using a SQLServer driver. You need an OLEDB provider for DB2. Check you data connections in control panel and verify you have such a driver on the sql server.

    To specify TCP as the default, run the server network utility and move it to the top of the list.

    Steve Jones


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