Query is not giving me expected output.

  • Below is query with data,which is not giving me expected output.

    DECLARE @StartDate  date = '03-06-2020';
    DECLARE @enddate date = '06-06-2020';

    Create table #ItemMasterFile (Codeitem int,Descriptionitem varchar(50),Packsize varchar(50))
    Create table #Bigbalprd (B_ID int,Codeitem int,Bpqty int,Bweight int,Entrydate date,delid int)
    Create table #DispatchBM (DID int,Name varchar(50),Date date,Del int)
    Create table #Dispatch_BD (ID int ,BID int,DID int,Codeitem int,QTY int,BWeight int,Delidd int)

    INSERT INTO #ItemMasterFile VALUES
    , (2,'B','Bigbale')
    , (3,'C','Bigbale')
    , (4,'D','Bigbale')
    , (5,'e','Bigbale')
    , (6,'f','Bigbale')
    , (7,'g','Bigbale')
    , (8,'h','Bigbale')
    , (9,'K','Bigbale')
    , (10,'L','Bigbale')
    , (11,'M','Bigbale');


    Insert into #DispatchBM Values
    Insert into #Dispatch_BD Values

    ;with cte as (
    select a.CodeItem ,upper(a.Descriptionitem) item_Name,(b.EntryDate)B_Date,sum(Bpqty) B_QTY,sum(Bweight) B_Weight
    from #ItemMasterFile a
    left join #Bigbalprd b
    on a.CodeItem=b.CodeItem
    where convert(date,b.EntryDate,105) between @startdate and @enddate and b.delID is null
    group by a.CodeItem,a.Descriptionitem,b.EntryDate
    ,cte1 as (
    select a.CodeItem,upper(a.Descriptionitem) item_Name, Date,sum(qty) D_QTY,sum(Bweight) D_Weight
    from #ItemMasterFile a
    left join #Dispatch_BD c
    on c.codeitem=a.codeitem
    left join #DispatchBM d
    on d.DID=c.DID
    where convert(date,date,105) between @startdate and @enddate and c.Delidd is null and d.Del is null
    group by a.codeitem,a.Descriptionitem,d.date
    ),cte2 as (
    select f.CodeItem,f.item_Name,(f.Bigbale_QTY-f.Dispatch_QTY) as Balance_Qty,(f.Bigbale_weight-f.Dispatch_Weight) as Balance_Weight from (
    select e.CodeItem,e.item_Name,isnull(min(e.[Bigbale_QTY]),0) as [Bigbale_QTY],isnull(min(e.[Bigbale_weight]),0) as [Bigbale_weight],isnull(sum(c.QTY),0) as [Dispatch_QTY],
    isnull(sum(c.Bweight),0) as [Dispatch_Weight] from (
    select upper(a.Descriptionitem) item_Name,(a.CodeItem) CodeItem,isnull(sum(b.Bpqty),0) as [Bigbale_QTY],isnull(sum(b.Bweight),0) as [Bigbale_Weight]
    from #ItemMasterFile a
    --inner join Catagory ca on ca.CID=a.CID
    left join #Bigbalprd b on a.CodeItem=b.CodeItem
    where a.Packsize ='bigbale' and b.delID is null
    group by a.Descriptionitem,a.CodeItem) e
    left join #Dispatch_BD c on e.CodeItem=c.CodeItem
    where c.Delidd is null
    group by e.item_Name,e.CodeItem


    select c.codeitem,upper(c.Descriptionitem) item_Name,B_Date,isnull(B_QTY,0) B_QTY,isnull(B_Weight,0) B_Weight,isnull(D_QTY,0) D_QTY,isnull(D_Weight,0) D_Weight
    ,isnull(Balance_Qty,0) Balance_Qty,isnull(Balance_Weight,0) Balance_Weight
    into #t
    from #ItemMasterFile c
    left join cte a on a.codeitem=c.codeitem
    left join cte1 b on a.codeitem=b.codeitem
    left join cte2 d on a.CodeItem=d.CodeItem
    and a.B_Date=b.date
    where c.Packsize='Bigbale'

    SET @cols = (SELECT DISTINCT ',[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' B_QTY]' +',[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' B_Weight]'
    +',[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' D_QTY]' +',[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' D_Weight]'
    from #t where ISNULL(B_date,'')<>'' for xml path(''))

    set @cols=SUBSTRING(@cols,2,len(@cols)-1)


    SET @cols1 = (SELECT DISTINCT ',cast(ISNULL([' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' B_QTY],0) as varchar(10)) ' +' [' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' B_QTY]'
    +',cast(ISNULL([' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' B_Weight],0) as varchar(10)) ' +' [' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' B_Weight]'
    +',cast(ISNULL([' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' D_QTY],0) as varchar(10)) ' +' [' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' D_QTY]'
    +',cast(ISNULL([' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' D_Weight],0) as varchar(10)) ' +' [' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' D_Weight]'
    from #t where ISNULL(B_date,'')<>'' for xml path(''))

    set @cols1=SUBSTRING(@cols1,2,len(@cols1)-1)


    SET @cols2 = (SELECT DISTINCT ',[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' B_QTY] NVARCHAR(1000)' +',[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' B_Weight] NVARCHAR(1000)'
    +',[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' D_QTY] NVARCHAR(1000)' +',[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ' D_Weight] NVARCHAR(1000)'
    from #t where ISNULL(B_date,'')<>'' for xml path(''))


    SET @cols3 = (SELECT DISTINCT ',''B_Qty'' [' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) +'],''B_Weight'' [' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + ']'
    +',''D_QTY'' [' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + '] ' +',''D_Weight'' [' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, B_date, 23) + '] '
    from #t where ISNULL(B_date,'')<>'' for xml path(''))

    set @cols3=SUBSTRING(@cols3,2,len(@cols3)-1)

    SET @query = '

    select '''' codeitem,'''' item_Name,'''' Balance_QTY,'''' Balance_Weight,'+@cols3+'
    SELECT cast(codeitem as varchar(10)) codeitem,item_Name,Balance_QTY,Balance_Weight,' + @cols1 + '
    FROM (
    SELECT codeitem,item_Name,Balance_QTY,Balance_Weight, CAST(B_Date AS VARCHAR) + '' ''+ITEM AS Name, VALUE
    FROM (
    select * from #t
    (VALUE FOR Item IN ([B_QTY], [B_Weight], [D_QTY],[D_Weight])) p
    ) src
    MAX(VALUE) FOR Name IN (' + @cols + ')
    ) pvt

    Expected Output


  • This seems to return output similar to the picture.  Is it just missing a total row?  What's not working?

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Hi Steve Collins,

    Below image , in which i mentioned in red ,that Data must display ,Item_Name A is repeating two time,which should not be repeated.


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