Query help??

  • Dear Friends

    I have three table, event,measure, and eventmeasure as follows:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[event](

    [eventId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [eventName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL


    insert into event values('work order')

    insert into event values ('downtime')

    insert into event values ('work order')

    insert into event values ('uptime')

    insert into event values ('work order')

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[measure](

    [measureId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [measureName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL


    insert into measure values ('opt5')

    insert into measure values ('opt4')

    insert into measure values ('opt6')

    insert into measure values ('opt7')

    insert into measure values ('opt5')

    insert into measure values ('opt5')

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[eventMeasure](

    [eventMeasureId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [eventId] [int] NOT NULL,

    [measureId] [int] NOT NULL


    If i run this

    select * from event where eventname='Work order'

    I get :

    eventid eventname

    1work order

    3work order

    5work order

    If i run this:

    select * from measure where measurename='opt5'

    I get:

    measureid measurename




    I want to insert values into eventmeasure table as following:using the eventid from the 1st query and measureid from the second and inserting in eventmeasure as:

    eventmeasureid eventid measureid




    How can i achieve this? Will i need a cursor for this?

    Many thanks.

  • How do you connect eventide to MeasuerID? Is it only by inserting order? Also how did you get the values for EventMeasureID?


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  • This is the cursor that i used:

    Please note: this is based on real data, data in the above post is just an example of how i would like the result:

    declare @eventid int

    declare evnt CURSOR FOR

    select e2.eventid from event e2

    where e2.eventid not in



    from tempeventmeasure em inner join event e

    on em.eventid=e.eventid

    inner join tempmeasure m

    on em.measureid=m.measureid

    where e.eventname='work order'

    and m.measurename='engWoOpt5')

    and e2.eventname='work order'

    Open evnt

    FETCH NEXT FROM evnt into @eventid

    While @@FETCH_STATUS=0



    select top 3 measureid from tempmeasure

    order by measureid desc

    declare @measureid int

    open meas

    FETCH NEXT FROM meas into @measureid



    --Insert into tempeventmeasure

    select distinct @eventid,@measureid from tempeventmeasure

    where measureid not in (select measureid from tempmeasure where measureid=@measureid )

    FETCH NEXT FROM meas into @measureid


    close meas


    FETCH NEXT FROM evnt into @eventid


    Close evnt


    This is giveing me a result as:

    906 1910

    906 1909

    906 1908

    970 1910

    970 1909

    970 1908

    908 1910

    908 1909

    908 1908

    I want one to one record;

    906 1910

    970 1909

    908 1908

    Basically one measureid can belong to only one eventid. What am i doing wrong?

  • How do you connect eventide to MeasuerID? Is it only by inserting order? Also how did you get the values for EventMeasureID?

    Eventmeasure table gets eventid from event table and measureid from measure table.

    Eventmeasureid is the Primarey Key

    Only one measure can belong to one event.

  • sarvesh singh (8/9/2009)

    How do you connect eventide to MeasuerID? Is it only by inserting order? Also how did you get the values for EventMeasureID?

    Eventmeasure table gets eventid from event table and measureid from measure table.

    Eventmeasureid is the Primarey Key

    Only one measure can belong to one event.

    That's not what he's asking. There are six possible unique pairings of two sets of three numbers. How do you know which of those six is the correct one?

    906-1910 970-1909 908-1908

    906-1910 970-1908 908-1909

    906-1909 970-1910 908-1908

    906-1909 970-1908 908-1910

    906-1908 970-1910 908-1909

    906-1908 970-1909 908-1910

    Also, your database structure seems a bit strange. The Event Measure table has a structure that is typically used for a many-to-many relationship, but you're trying to encode a one-to-one relationship. Why do you have a separate Event Measure table instead of simply having a foreign key to the event on the measure table?


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thank you guys for your responses, I have resolved it by amending the cursor..

    Drew you are rite the eventmeasure table should not be there at all. This will be taken care off going forward. The table is there to hold historic data from the previous version. We are upgrading them, so need to correct the data before migration.

    declare @eventid int

    declare @identity int

    declare evnt CURSOR FOR

    select e2.eventid from event e2

    where e2.eventid not in



    from eventmeasure em inner join event e

    on em.eventid=e.eventid

    inner join measure m

    on em.measureid=m.measureid

    where e.eventname='Work Order'

    and m.measurename='engWoOpt5')

    and e2.eventname='Work Order'

    Open evnt

    FETCH NEXT fROM evnt into @eventid

    While @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    INSERT INTO measure
























    select top 1
























    from measure where measurename = 'engWoOpt5' and

    measureid not in (select measureid from eventmeasure)

    select @identity = @@identity

    Insert into eventmeasure

    select @eventid,@identity

    FETCH NEXT fROM evnt into @eventid


    Close evnt


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