Query Analyzer works, stored procedure from RS produces error.

  • Hi,

         Created an Oracle view which now contains no nulls in the date field we are interested in selecting. Query analyzer returns and converts the data from the view perfectly. Created an MS stored procedure and this also returns the data perfectly when run from query analyzer.

    SELECT *


    EXEC spRS_ShopPAP '2004-03-16', '2004-04-14'

    The issue we are having is when this stored procedure is used in reporting services we get "An error occured whle reading data from the query result set. OLE DB provider MSDASQL reported an error"

    The Oracle date field looks like "29-JUN-04" when queried on oracle. Query Analyzer returns the data as "2004-06-29 00:00:00.000"

    Is there a conversion tool or trick I am missing here ?

    Many thanks for any suggestions, Steve.

  • What datatypes are you using for the parameters within the stored procedure?

    You might try converting the date to the Oracle format using CONVERT(varchar(15), , 106)

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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