Query Analyzer keeps crashing!

  • Every time I open SQL Query Analyzer and connect to a data source and click on 'File' on the toolbar it freezes and then crashes.  There is nothing in the Windows Event Viewer.  It does not happen if I do NOT connect to a data source (if I click cancel and then go to 'File').  Any suggestions?

    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

  • What happens if you click cancel, then open a connection via file? Does it work fine?

    If so run this and let us know the results:

    SELECT Serverproperty('ProductVersion'),



    That will show us what service pack level you have (along with if it's 2000 or 2005 and what edition).


  • If I click cancel it works fine until I connect to a data source and click 'File'.

    Product Version = 8.00.2040, SP4, Enterprise Edition

    If I am not connected to the data source, clicking 'File' does what it is supposed to do without issue.

    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

  • Couple of suggestions....

    Is your MDAC 2.8??? You can find a tool called Component Checker on Microsoft's website, that will tell you what MDAC version you have.

    Can you reinstall the client tools? I suggest trying to reinstall JUST Query Analyzer from the install disk.

    Also, before that, can you access SQL Server via Enterprise Manager? Can you check to see that your login has a default database assigned?


  • I am on the phone with Microsoft Support.  They have done some troubleshooting and it appears that the print spooler is causing the issue.  Applications are also crashing every time I hit print.  We disabled the spooler and everything works fine.  Very odd.  Thank you for your time though!

    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

  • You're welcome.....when you get the final solution, post it here. It might help someone in the future (since it did affect your SQL Server).


  • Turns out there were some print drivers that were interferring with the print spooler.  We think it started after one of the Windows Updates was completed.

    We had to delete the printers, uninstall the drivers, edit the registry to make sure we were using 'winprint' as the Print Processor instead of the 3rd party processors that were installed and then reinstall the network printers.

    If they provide a detailed account of what was done to fix I will post it further.

    Owner & Principal SQL Server Consultant
    Im Your DBA, Inc.

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