Query Analyster Issue

  • In my sql server 2005 I am able to connect to server trhouh management studio,i am able to view all dbs.But when I clicke on new query I am getting the error

    Acced is denied,. (Exception from HRESULT : 0*80070005(E_ACCESSDEINED))(mscorlib).

    Kindly assist me Urgent

  • binu

    May be your account does not have appropriate permission.

    Also can be a corrupt installation.

    Create a .sql file using notepad and try double click it to open. Are you able to connect?

    Roshan Joe

    Jeff Moden -Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Hi

    I am having sysadmin rights in sql level.I created a sql script in notepad and tried to open , it is working.But when I tried to open new query it is showing the same error

  • Does it open in management studio? are being able to execute the script?

    Roshan Joe

    Jeff Moden -Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • It is opening

    But if i tried to execute the script it showing Access to the path is denied.

    I tried -use master. it is working.But if i put sp_helpdb -error

    Access to the path is denied.

  • [font="Comic Sans MS"][/font]

    It might b that the DB owner in some of the databases is NULL. Change it sa. May be it would work.

  • Run it from MASTER

    SELECT name, suser_sname(sid), convert(nvarchar(11), crdate),dbid, cmptlevel

    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

  • You either have a corrupted install or insufficient rights. The error is NOT from SQL server it is a .NET error..


  • I tried to execute select * from sys.databases

    it is also showing the same error -Access denied.

    sql service is running under windows functional id.I given registry privilages to that id.still it is showing the same error.

  • Does this work from another machine?


  • yes

    If i connect from other machine all r working fine.Problem with local server only

  • You could try re-applying the service pack..

    Hold on.. Are you using Query Analyzer to connect to SQL 2005 or SSMS? It just occurred to me that the title was QA..


  • HI

    SSMS is connecting to server correctily

    I am using the windows login. I added the id to Administrators group and then it is working fine. I am able to connect to query analyser.

    Seems some permission issue.

    Kindly let me know if i use ssms and query analyser where the temp file will bel created????.

  • Kindly let me know if i use ssms and query analyser where the temp file will bel created????.

    Uh, what temp file?


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