
  • Hi all,

    I created a table in which there r n fields and in that two of them are date field i.e., startdate and enddate.

    Now i want to write a query,to fetch the records from table which comes under startdate and enddate.

    so,i need a help how to write the query.

    Thanks in advance.

  • What have you tried so far?

    If nothing yet you might want to look into BETWEEN clause in BOL (BooksOnLine, the SQL Server help system).

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  • khandaresarang (12/22/2009)

    Hi all,

    I created a table in which there r n fields and in that two of them are date field i.e., startdate and enddate.

    Now i want to write a query,to fetch the records from table which comes under startdate and enddate.

    so,i need a help how to write the query.

    Thanks in advance.

    Can you provide the table creation script you used for this, and a series of INSERT statements which you may have used to populate the table? This will provide people with a starting point to help you.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • If I understand you correctly we had a similar requirement where the input date range provided should overlap the StartDate and EndDate values in the records.

    Say for example @StartDate and @EndDate are the input parameters and StartDate and EndDate are the field names then the query would be

    SELECT columnlist FROM TableName WHERE StartDate <= @EndDate AND EndDate >= @StartDate


    Satish More

  • I agree with a slight modification if the EndDate is exclusive:

    Logically you want all results from the table but only list results when the start date is before 'xx/xx/xxxx' and the end date is on/after 'xx/xx/xxxx'

    SELECT columnlist FROM TableName WHERE StartDate < @EndDate AND EndDate >= @StartDate

    You can do the following for a specific date:

    select columnlist FROM TableName WHERE StartDate <= @TargetDate and @TargetDate < EndDate

  • U can use Between clause or datediff will be best i feel because between will not include the startdate and enddate.

    But i am not understanding you question. Each record in the table has startdate and enddate right? do you want retrive all the records with common start and enddate?

    Or if you have a want to retrive records in a perticular date range than u can use

    select * from [tablename] where datediff(d,@startdate, start_date) >= 0 and datediff(d,@enddate, end_date) <= 0

    here start_date and end_date are column names

  • select * from [tablename] where start_date >= @startdate and

    end_date <=@enddate

  • geervani (1/5/2010)

    U can use Between clause or datediff will be best i feel because between will not include the startdate and enddate.

    But i am not understanding you question. Each record in the table has startdate and enddate right? do you want retrive all the records with common start and enddate?

    Or if you have a want to retrive records in a perticular date range than u can use

    select * from [tablename] where datediff(d,@startdate, start_date) >= 0 and datediff(d,@enddate, end_date) <= 0

    here start_date and end_date are column names

    Using column names inside a function should be avoided as it will not utilize the index.

  • Agree I must with Chris. Help it would if OP would provide table DDL, sample data, and expected results.

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