
  • If

        (Select Deleteemp FROM OPENXML (@empIDdoc, '/emps/Item', 1)WITH(ChangeToemp int,Deleteemp int)where ChangeToemp <> 0)

      IN (select e.empid from tblemp o inner join indicator I on e.empid=I.empid where I.userroleid=4)


        (Select ChangeToemp FROM OPENXML (@empIDdoc, '/empss/Item', 1)WITH (ChangeToemp int,Deleteemp int)where ChangeToemp <> 0)

      NOT IN ( select e.empid from tblemp o inner join indicator I on e.empid=I.empid where I.userroleid=4 )


      raiserror('Can not do this',16,1)

       rollback transaction fixduplicate






    Wen I try to execute the above query in a store proc I get an error for " subquery returning more than 1 value", I understand its doing so but how can I run this with out error but  I want the same login here.

  • Can you post DDL and example data of the tables you are referencing and sample XML that is being used in the query?

  • you need to change you If statemets to

    IF EXISTS (...) AND NOT EXISTS (...)


    raiserror('Can not do this',16,1)

    rollback transaction fixduplicate



    * Noel

  • but how can i use EXISTS in my query as am looking for some records as


    IF (select .......) IN (select....) begin raise error....

  • Assuming e.empid should be o.empid, try something like the following:


            SELECT *

            FROM tblemp o1

            WHERE EXISTS (

                    SELECT *

                    FROM indicator I1

                    WHERE o1.empid=I1.empid

                        AND I1.userroleid=4


                AND EXISTS (

                    SELECT *

                    FROM OPENXML (@empIDdoc, '/emps/Item', 1) WITH(ChangeToemp int,Deleteemp int) X1

                    WHERE o.empid = X1.DeleteEmp



        AND NOT EXISTS (

                SELECT *

                FROM tblemp o2

                WHERE EXISTS (

                        SELECT *

                        FROM indicator I2

                        WHERE o2.empid=I2.empid

                            AND I2.userroleid=4


                    AND EXISTS (

                        SELECT *

                        FROM OPENXML (@empIDdoc, '/emps/Item', 1) WITH(ChangeToemp int,Deleteemp int) X2

                        WHERE o2.empid = X2.ChangeToemp




        RAISERROR('Cannot do this', 16, 1)




  • I still wonder why my query returns an error saying

    " subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when subquery follows =.!=.<,<=,>,>= or the subquery is used as an expression"


    I am just using IN and NOT IN to check if my result set has values in the another result set



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