Querry with results only from specific subnets?

  • How can i do a querry that only shows results with a speciffic caller or callee subnet?
    This is from Skype for Business CQM, where we are querrying the QOEMetrics database

    USE QoEMetrics;

    DECLARE @beginTime AS DateTime = ###STARTTIME;
    DECLARE @endTime AS DateTime = ###ENDTIME;
    DECLARE @dateFormat AS Int = 105;          

    DECLARE @wiredClientUATypes TABLE (UAType INT);

    INSERT INTO @wiredClientUATypes VALUES (4),(8),(16),(64),(128),(16403),(16405),(16407),(16411),(16412);

    WITH FullLyncJoinView AS
            s.ConferenceDateTime as ConferenceDateTime
            ,s.StartTime as StartTime
            ,CallerUA.UAType AS CallerUAType
            ,CalleeUA.UAType AS CalleeUAType    
            ,m.CallerSubnet AS CallerSubnet
            ,m.CalleeSubnet AS CalleeSubnet
            ,###POORSTREAMCONDITION AS IsPoorStream
        FROM [Session] s WITH (NOLOCK)
            INNER JOIN [MediaLine] AS m WITH (NOLOCK) ON
                m.ConferenceDateTime = s.ConferenceDateTime
                AND m.SessionSeq = s.SessionSeq            
            INNER JOIN [AudioStream] AS a WITH (NOLOCK) ON
                a.MediaLineLabel = m.MediaLineLabel 
                and a.ConferenceDateTime = m.ConferenceDateTime
                and a.SessionSeq = m.SessionSeq            
            INNER JOIN UserAgent AS CallerUA WITH (NOLOCK) ON
                CallerUA.UserAgentKey = s.CallerUserAgent
            INNER JOIN UserAgent AS CalleeUA WITH (NOLOCK) ON
                CalleeUA.UserAgentKey = s.CalleeUserAgent
            INNER JOIN [NetworkConnectionDetail] AS CallerNcd WITH (NOLOCK) ON
                CallerNcd.NetworkConnectionDetailKey = m.CallerNetworkConnectionType
           INNER JOIN [NetworkConnectionDetail] AS CalleeNcd WITH (NOLOCK) ON
                CalleeNcd.NetworkConnectionDetailKey = m.CalleeNetworkConnectionType
            s.StartTime >= (@beginTime) and s.StartTime < (@endTime)
            and CallerNcd.NetworkConnectionDetail in ('wired','Ethernet')
            and CalleeNcd.NetworkConnectionDetail in ('wired','Ethernet')
           and m.CallerInside = 1    
            and m.CalleeInside = 1
    ,AllVOIPStreams as
            CONVERT(date,StartTime,@dateFormat) AS ReportDate
             CallerUAType in (SELECT UAType FROM @wiredClientUATypes)
         and CalleeUAType in (1,2,32769)
        UNION ALL  
            CONVERT(date,StartTime,@dateFormat) AS ReportDate
        CallerUAType in (1,2,32769) 
          and CalleeUAType in (SELECT UAType FROM @wiredClientUATypes)

    ,PoorStreamsSummary AS
            ,count(*) as AllStreams
            ,count(IsPoorStream) as PoorStreams
            ,cast(100.0 * cast(count(IsPoorStream) as float) / cast(count(*) as float) as decimal(4, 1)) as PoorStreamsRatio
        GROUP BY

        'Trend_3_Wired' as QueryType

  • This isn't really a good question as listed. Is this the query you want or do you want to further filter results by caller?

    Ultimately you should produce a small data set of relevant columns in a sample data (DDL and DML) and then we can help you with a query. Please explain the results you need and what isn't working in your attempts.

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