
  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item QA-Taskpad

  • I decided to reformat this script (more out of curiosity than need), but please let the code in the initial post be a lesson to all - this is how to NOT format your code for sharing out here. What a headache!

    Not that mine is much better, but I have revised it so it will at least work. There are a couple of lines

    commented out (because frankly, I wasn't able to completely figure out what the code was trying to do - maybe someone else can make better sense of it now), as it was causing the script not to run.

    Here's a reformatting of the code:

    Declare @strDBName


    Set @strDBName = 'tempdb'

    --Declare other variables which are required in the script.

    Declare @strScratchPad Varchar(50)

    Declare @dtDBCreatedDate Varchar(24)

    Declare @strDBOwner Varchar(50)

    Declare @intTotalDBSize Varchar(12)

    Declare @strSQL Varchar(1000)

    Declare @strTotalDataSizeUsed decimal(10,3)

    Declare @strTotalLogSize decimal(10,3)

    Declare @strTotalLogSizeUsed decimal(10,3)

    Declare @dtLastFullBkp Varchar(22)

    Declare @dtLastDiffBkp Varchar(22)

    Declare @dtLastLogBkp Varchar(22)

    Declare @dtLastRestore Varchar(22)

    Declare @strLogiName Char(20)

    Declare @intTotSize decimal(10,3)

    Declare @intUsedSize decimal(10,3)

    Declare @strFileName Varchar(100)

    Declare @PctLogUsed Integer

    Declare @intTotalDatSize decimal(10,3)

    Declare @intTotalUsedSize decimal(10,3)

    Declare @intTotalFreeSize decimal(10,3)

    Declare @intDataSizeFree decimal(4,2)

    Set @intTotalDatSize = 0

    Set @intTotalUsedSize = 0

    Set @intTotalFreeSize = 0

    Set NoCount On--Check if the database name provided is a valid database name

    Select @strScratchPad = name,@dtDBCreatedDate=crdate,@strDBOwner=suser_sname(sid)

    from master..sysdatabases

    where name=@strDBName

    Print '-----------**********Database Query Analyzer Taskpad V 1.0**********-----------'

    If @strScratchPad is Null


    Print ''Print 'The Database name provided is not a valid one on this server'



    Begin--This is a Valid Database

    Print ''Print '-----------Database Information-----------'

    Print 'Database Name : ' + @strScratchPad

    Print 'Database Owner : ' + @strDBOwner

    Print 'Date Created : ' + @dtDBCreatedDate--Space Calculations to show the Space Information

    Create Table #TempValTable(strAdhocCol Varchar(100))

    Create Table #DataFileDetails(FileID Int,FileGr Int,TotExt Numeric,UsedExt Numeric,LogiName Varchar(100),FilName Varchar(255))

    Create Table #LogFileDetails(strDBName Varchar(100),LogSize Decimal(10,2),PctUsed Decimal(10,2),Sts Int)

    Set @strSQL = 'Insert Into #TempValTable select CONVERT(decimal(10,2),Sum(((size*8)/64)/16)) from [' + @strDBName + '].dbo.sysfiles'

    Exec (@strSQL)

    Select @intTotalDBSize=strAdhocCol

    from #TempValTable

    Print 'Database Size : ' + @intTotalDBSize + ' MB (Data + Log size)'

    Insert Into #DataFileDetails

    Exec('use ' + @strDBName + ' DBCC SHOWFILESTATS')

    Insert Into #LogFileDetails

    Exec('DBCC SQLPerf(LogSpace)')

    Select @strTotalDataSizeUsed=(Sum((UsedExt)*8*8/1024))

    from #DataFileDetails

    Select @strTotalLogSizeUsed=((PctUsed/100.00)*LogSize),@strTotalLogSize=LogSize,@PctLogUsed = PctUsed

    from #LogFileDetails

    where strDBName=@strDBName

    Print 'Space Available : ' + Convert(Varchar(15),(@intTotalDBSize - (@strTotalDataSizeUsed + @strTotalLogSizeUsed))) + 'MB (Data + Log Size)'--Show the Backup InformationPrint

    Print ''Print '--------------Maintenance-----------------'

    Set @dtLastFullBkp = ' None'

    Set @dtLastDiffBkp = ' None'

    Set @dtLastLogBkp = ' None'

    Set @dtLastRestore = ' None'

    select @dtLastFullBkp=backup_finish_date

    from msdb..backupset

    where database_name=@strDBName

    And type='D'

    Order by backup_finish_date Desc

    select @dtLastDiffBkp=backup_finish_date

    from msdb..backupset

    where database_name=@strDBName

    And type='I'

    Order by backup_finish_date Desc

    select @dtLastLogBkp=backup_finish_date

    from msdb..backupset

    where database_name=@strDBName

    And type='L'

    Order by backup_finish_date Desc

    Select @dtLastRestore=restore_date

    from msdb..restorehistory

    where destination_database_name=@strDBName

    Order by restore_date Desc

    Print 'Last Full Database Backup : ' + @dtLastFullBkp

    Print 'Last Diff Database Backup : ' + @dtLastDiffBkp

    Print 'Last Log Database Backup : ' + @dtLastLogBkp

    Print 'Last Database Restore : ' + @dtLastRestore--Show Space Allocated Information

    Print ''

    Print '--------------Space Allocated-------------'

    Print 'Data : '

    Print ' Logical File NameSizeUsed SpaceFree SpaceFile Path'

    Print ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

    DECLARE a_cur cursor for

    Select LogiName,((TotExt*8*8)/1024),((UsedExt*8*8)/1024),FilName

    from #DataFileDetailsOPEN a_cur


    INTO @strLogiName,@intTotSize,@intUsedSize,@strFileName



    DECLARE @curCount INT

    SET @curCount = @curCount + 1

    DECLARE @DBtoCheck VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @strFileNameSet VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @logintoCreate VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @strRole VARCHAR(50)

    Print 'EXEC ' + @DBtoCheck + '..sp_addrolemember ''' + @strRole + ''',''' + @logintoCreate + ''''

    --Print ' ' + @strLogiName + '' + Convert(Varchar(10),@intTotSize) + 'MB' + Convert(Varchar(10),@intUsedSize) + 'MB' + Convert(Varchar(10),(@intTotSize-@intUsedSize)) + 'MB ' + @strFileNameSet @intTotalDatSize = @intTotalDatSize + @intTotSizeSet @intTotalUsedSize = @intTotalUsedSize + @intUsedSizeSet @intTotalFreeSize = @intTotalFreeSize + (@intTotSize-@intUsedSize)


    INTO @strLogiName,@intTotSize,@intUsedSize,@strFileName

    --Declare @intDataSizeFree Integer


    Print ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

    Set @intDataSizeFree = ((@intTotalFreeSize/@intTotalDatSize)*100)

    Print 'Total:' + Convert(Varchar(12),@intTotalDatSize) + 'MB ' + Convert(Varchar(12),@intTotalUsedSize) + 'MB ' + Convert(Varchar(12),@intTotalFreeSize) + 'MB (' + Convert(Varchar(12),@intDataSizeFree) + '%)'

    Print ''

    Print 'Transaction Log Space : '

    Print '' + Convert(Varchar(12),@strTotalLogSize) + 'MB' + Convert(Varchar(12),@strTotalLogSizeUsed) + 'MB (' + Convert(Varchar(6),@PctLogUsed) + '%)' + Convert(Varchar(12),@strTotalLogSize-@strTotalLogSizeUsed) + 'MB'

    CLOSE a_cur

    DEALLOCATE a_cur

    Drop Table #LogFileDetails

    Drop Table #TempValTable

    Drop Table #DataFileDetails


    Print ''

    Print '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

    I'm not real big on cursors, and have been discouraged from using them any longer in favor of better methods, but for anyone with a curiosity behind this Taskpad - enjoy.


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