Pull data from a set of dates based on multiple criteria

  • I have a query I am running which needs to pull data from the last business day of every month, and the current work day of the current month(so we can get MTD numbers for a given month). I have something that works OK but I am hoping it can be improved upon and made automated so I don't need to update the dates when they change.

    One issue I am having is when the last day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, I need to pull the data from the prior business day. Currently I use the following query:

     CAST(rd.Report_Date as Date) IN(EOMONTH(rd.Report_Date), '3/29/2019', '6/28/2019', '8/30/2019', '11/29/2019', CAST(GETDATE() as DATE)))

    As you can see, the issue occurs when the EOMONTH date is not a working day(like March, June, August and November,  and I have to go in and put the date in manually to include it.

    I have a holiday table and I know that I can check against the day of the week number to determine if its a week day or not, but I am not sure how I would put something like this together for all 12 months. Any tips you could provide would be helpful.

    To summarize, I want to:

    1. Check the last day of the month for each month of the current year
    2. If the last day of the month is a weekday and non-holiday, use that day.
    3. If the last day of the month is a weekend or holiday, continue going back one day from the last day of the month until it finds the first non-weekend/non-holiday date.
    4. Include the current day in here as this will provide month to date numbers for the current month.
  • Use a Calendar table maybe?

  • Perhaps this code will get you started. It will extract the current month and calculate the last day of the previous month. In a CASE statement it will determine if this last day of previous month is a weekend-day and subtract days if required. This code doesn't take holidays in consideration, but you can expand this yourself by joining with your holiday table.

    declare @CurrentMonth int = datepart(month, getdate())
    set @CurrentMonth = 8-- overrule the variable value for testing purpose

    CAST(GETDATE() as date) as CurrentDay
    , mnth.PreviousMonthEnd
    , DATEPART(weekday, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd) as 'WeekDay'-- 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.)
    , case
    when DATEPART(weekday, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd) = 1
    then dateadd(day, -2, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd)
    when DATEPART(weekday, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd) = 7
    then dateadd(day, -1, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd)
    else mnth.PreviousMonthEnd
    end as RequestedDate
    from (select dateadd(year, datediff(year, 0, getdate()), 0) as YearStart
    ) as sub
    cross apply (select dateadd(millisecond, -3, dateadd(month, @CurrentMonth -1, sub.YearStart)) as PreviousMonthEnd) mnth
    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • HanShi wrote:

    Perhaps this code will get you started. It will extract the current month and calculate the last day of the previous month. In a CASE statement it will determine if this last day of previous month is a weekend-day and subtract days if required. This code doesn't take holidays in consideration, but you can expand this yourself by joining with your holiday table.

    declare @CurrentMonth int = datepart(month, getdate())
    set @CurrentMonth = 8-- overrule the variable value for testing purpose

    CAST(GETDATE() as date) as CurrentDay
    , mnth.PreviousMonthEnd
    , DATEPART(weekday, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd) as 'WeekDay'-- 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.)
    , case
    when DATEPART(weekday, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd) = 1
    then dateadd(day, -2, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd)
    when DATEPART(weekday, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd) = 7
    then dateadd(day, -1, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd)
    else mnth.PreviousMonthEnd
    end as RequestedDate
    from (select dateadd(year, datediff(year, 0, getdate()), 0) as YearStart
    ) as sub
    cross apply (select dateadd(millisecond, -3, dateadd(month, @CurrentMonth -1, sub.YearStart)) as PreviousMonthEnd) mnth


    Very nice!  So to run this for each month, I could basically make this a function and run it 12 times(once for each month) in the "IN" section of the report date?

  • No need to run it multiple times. You can join it with a table that holds the months (or use some sort of a calendar table and extract the monthnumber instead).

    declare @MonthTable table (MonthNumber int)
    insert into @MonthTable
    values (1)
    , (2)
    , (3)
    , (4)
    , (5)
    , (6)
    , (7)
    , (8)
    , (9)
    , (10)
    , (11)
    , (12)

    , DATEPART(weekday, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd) as 'WeekDay'-- 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.)
    , case
    when DATEPART(weekday, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd) = 1
    then dateadd(day, -2, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd)
    when DATEPART(weekday, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd) = 7
    then dateadd(day, -1, mnth.PreviousMonthEnd)
    else mnth.PreviousMonthEnd
    end as RequestedDate
    from @MonthTable MonthTable
    cross apply (select dateadd(year, datediff(year, 0, getdate()), 0) as YearStart) yr
    cross apply (select dateadd(millisecond, -3, dateadd(month, MonthNumber -1, yr.YearStart)) as PreviousMonthEnd) mnth
    order by PreviousMonthEnd

    This is a set-based approach in which you get your results in one go.



    Btw: the above code only applies to this year because of the GETDATE() in the "yr" cross apply. You could use a date value from a calendar table instead.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **

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