Publishing Subscriber

  • We are trying to use the Publishing Subscriber model to replicate an article from server A to B and then from B to C, D, E and F.

    So we start transactional replication from A to B and then from B to C-F and all is well. However when we try to reinitialize B from A we get the error that the table on B cannot be deleted because it is being used for replication (presumably from B to C-F).

    So does this mean that we must first script the replication deletion from B to C-F every time we need to reinitialize B from A and then script the replication creation back to C-F? If so, has anyone found a way to specify an alternative location for the snapshot when scripting replication creation.

    Much Thanks

  • on server A setup replication so that it has multiple subscribers. Meaning the publishing articles will have servers B,C and D subscribing to it.

  • yup republishing has that problem. You should try to avoid it if at all possible.

    * Noel

  • Thanks for the replies. We thought we were missing something. None of the books or articles that describe it give any specifics on implementing or the limitations. I really don't understand why this is considered a "model" when the overhead makes it is effectively useless in any real world situation.

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