Protection level property SSIS package

  • SSIS was created in File System with protection level "EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey" then it was deployed to SQL server.Now I am having problems changing protection level to ServerStorage and can not find the way of doing it.


  • Unfortunately, you need to have the original user open it, and change the protectionlevel. That default protection level is causing all kinds of problems, from what I've read and experienced, whien trying to deploy SSIS packages. I know that they're trying to improve security, but I really think they might want to re-look at that setting, and it's default.

  • I have an original user open package, but when package in File system we can not change it to level "Server storage".We trying to change this property after package was deployed to server but no luck.Any advise?

  • Hmm - you've deployed final package to FileSystem, but want to use ServerStorage for excryption? I don't think you can do that. ServerStorage is, I think, SQL - hence you need to deploy the packages to SQL, at my guess. I should point out, this is my understanding - I haven't tried this (and I've been playing with SSIS for about 6 weeks now, so I'm not even a novice yet 🙂 )

  • Please read first message.Package was developed in File System and deployed to SQL server.

  • sorry - can't give any more advice. Good luck.

  • what happens when you open the package in designer, go to package properties and change the protection level from there?

  • I know how to change it designer.I am looking for a way to change it

    directly on server.



  • ok, I'll bite again.

    You cannot change this directly in SQL server. You need to make the changes via designer, and re-deploy. You could open the dtsx's on the server with designer, make your changes, rebuild your deployment manifest, and re-deploy (assumming you are using deployment manifests).


  • Thank for your response.We was be able to change it on "EncryptSensativeWithPassword" but we could not change it to "Server storage" level.We wanted to use SQL server security model. Thanks

  • Same question here...I create a new package in a newproject in its saved in a project  folder on disk. I deploy it to SQL gets there fine.


    Now I want to change protection level. I bring up the package in designer and change to Server Storage....when I go to save the package it says I can't since its not saved on the server but on the file system.

    How do I change this??

  • Same question for me. Did you get it resolve to change protectionlevel to ServerStorage for package that already deployed to server (it is stored in dbo.sysdtspackages90) ?

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