Property Owner is not available for Database

  • When I right click a database (MyOldDatabase) in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, I get the following message:

    Property Owner is not available for Database '[MyOldDatabase]'.

    This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights.

    I'm logging in with sa credentials.

    Problem is, this database was created much earlier (by someone I can't contact now; yes it's crazy) and our application has been accessing this db all these months.

    We have now been given a new backup to be restored onto it. I simply created a new db and restored the backup onto it as I'm unable to retrieve any information about the old one.

    Any clue what the problem could be? The application isn't working with the new db either.

  • Nisha (2/12/2009)

    When I right click a database (MyOldDatabase) in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, I get the following message:

    Property Owner is not available for Database '[MyOldDatabase]'.

    This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights.

    I'm logging in with sa credentials.

    May be this is because the database owner has been dropped.....

    Try to set the database owner of the referenced database to an existing one..for ex. "sa"

    sp_changedbowner 'sa'

    We have now been given a new backup to be restored onto it. I simply created a new db and restored the backup onto it as I'm unable to retrieve any information about the old one.

    Any clue what the problem could be? The application isn't working with the new db either.

    Did u check the application connection string...


  • May be this is because the database owner has been dropped.....

    Try to set the database owner of the referenced database to an existing one..for ex. "sa"

    sp_changedbowner 'sa'

    How do I first check the db owner before changing it? I wouldn't want to mess it up!

  • Nisha (2/12/2009)

    May be this is because the database owner has been dropped.....

    Try to set the database owner of the referenced database to an existing one..for ex. "sa"

    sp_changedbowner 'sa'

    How do I first check the db owner before changing it? I wouldn't want to mess it up!

    Run this:


    UserName =, UserType = dp.type_desc, LoginName =, LoginType = sp.type_desc

    FROM sys.database_principals dp

    JOIN sys.server_principals sp ON dp.principal_id = sp.principal_id

    Gives you who has access to your database, there you can check it

  • The old database (that doesn't allow me to check its properties) shows the following details for sa login:

    UserName UserType LoginName LoginType


    The new database (that I've created and restored a newly given backup on) shows the following details for sa login:

    UserName UserType LoginName LoginType


    Why the difference in User Type? Does that have anything to do with not being able to view properties?

  • try login with windows credential


  • Nisha (2/13/2009)

    The old database (that doesn't allow me to check its properties) shows the following details for sa login:

    UserName UserType LoginName LoginType


    The new database (that I've created and restored a newly given backup on) shows the following details for sa login:

    UserName UserType LoginName LoginType


    Why the difference in User Type?

    The previous guy was a windows user and now you are a SQL user. SQL_USER it taken care of SQL server the passwords, expiration, policy the SID is stored in the SQL master files and WINDOWS_USER is taken care by the windows.

    Does that have anything to do with not being able to view properties?

    Maybe, you can login as windows user and try. We will have to wait for other members to look into it

  • Ahmad Osama (2/13/2009)

    try login with windows credential

    I tried both sa and windows authentication login before posting here.. both had the same problem..!

  • Nisha (2/13/2009)

    Ahmad Osama (2/13/2009)

    try login with windows credential

    I tried both sa and windows authentication login before posting here.. both had the same problem..!

    change the owner as said before....


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