
  • Hello everyone,

    Can anyone help me with this.

    Using Profiler I want to know the exact queries running on my database.

    I used SP:StmtCompleted, SQL:StmtCompleted  but I only get the @P1, @P2, ... values, I need the real values. Also tried with RPC:Starting and from there I got the @P1, @P2, etc values but it's not practical. Also the trace grows too much for me.



  • You could use the RPC:Completed and SQL:BatchCompleted events, the RPC:Completed event will give you the values for the parameters.  Your trace is growing rapidly because you are capturing every statement that is being executed.  If you use those 2 events, you should see everything that is running on your server.

    If you have a problem with a specific query, you can add the statement events back in to your trace to determine what exactly is causing your problem.  Or you can try to manually do this using the execution plan and such.

    You can also set filters on what you are trying to trace to help with the trace size.  Users, database, objects, duration, etc.

    Hope this helps.


  • Jarret, you are right I was quite confused with to much information.

    I set the filter for the textdata LIKE:

    INSERT%, UPDATE%, DELETE%, %sp_prepexec% and %sp_execute and I got only two lines by modification.

    I don`t know what happend with the triggers but I will analize that.



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