Problems with getting my hash table populated

  • Hello
    I'm trying to  to insert values of sql server script into my hash table to be used later on another process, the piece that I'm using is:

    $instancename ="instancename"
    $databasename ="dba"
    $FileMapping =@{}
    $query=invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $instanceName -Database $Databasename -Query "select n=name,f=filename from sysfiles"

    $finalQuery=$query| %{"'"+'{0}'' =''{1}''{2}{3};' -f $_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3] }
    I'm getting this error:
    'FileMapping'. Cannot convert the "'DBA' ='S:\Data\DBA.mdf'; 'DBA_log' ='L:\Logs\DBA_log.ldf';" value of type "System.String" to
    type "System.Collections.Hashtable".

    any ides how to work around this issue?.

  • Well what exactly do you want in your final hash table?  For example this will give you a has table keyed to each file name with the value as the full name.

    $query.ForEach({$fileMapping.Add($_.n, $_.f)})

    Write-Output $FileMapping

  • I'm trying to pass  the values of  this hash table into  "restore-dbaDatabase"
    Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $instanceName -Path $backupPath -WithReplace -MaintenanceSolutionBackup -DatabaseName $Databasename -FileMapping $FileMapping -OutputScriptOnly |Out-File $File
    so I was trying to populate $filemapping hash table dynamically.

  • I tried $query.ForEach({$fileMapping.Add($_.n, $_.f)})  and it worked perfectly.
    Thank you very much.

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