Problem with Mirroring setup

  • Hi, I've done this setup a couple of times with no problems, but this time I just can't get the mirroring going.

    When I set the partner on the Mirror then there is no problem, but when I set the parter on the Principal database then it returns with this error:

    The server network address "TCP://mirrorserver:5022" can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1418)

    I can make a SQL connection from the Principal server to the Mirror server, and can also ping the server name, so it can resolve the IP address.

    All the SQL Services on both servers are running under the same domain user name.

    what could be the problem?

  • Checkthe port number of the mirror port and the server name with correct tcp ip port.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Hi

    The ports seems to be fine on both servers

    I can Tellnet to that server name and port and it connects immediately. I can also Tellnet back from that server to the principal server.

    What else can I look at?

  • Check which account do you use to run SQL server on both server and make sure has necessary permission. like connect.. etc.

  • Both servers currently runs the SQL service under the domain's Administrator account.

  • Have you started the endpoint? It may be in a state of disabled and therefore not able to respond to requests.

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