Problem with LinkedServers

  • I have several SQL servers in our environment (both 2000 and 2005) and these have happily run distributed queries against one another for some time.

    I have recently added a new server to our environment. It uses domain accounts to run SQL Server and SQL Server Agent, and is visible within our entire domain.

    My problem is that I cannot run distributed queries from other servers to this new Server. I have run sp_addlinkedserver with the appropriate values on both source and target servers. And just to confuse things, I have no problems running distributed queries from the new server to any of the existing servers.

    I have checked the value of the servername with @@servername and it is as expected.

    I have done quite some reading on this and believe all the distributed queries to be 'single-hops'.

    Does anybody have any ideas for me? Thanks in advance

  • You really need to provide some details when posting this type of query. Exactly what message are you getting when you attempt to run the query? Was there anything in thge event logs?

    I'm going to assume the servers are in the same domain, and that you are using Windows Authentication to log in.

    To execute a distributed query, (say from Server A to Server B), you only need to execute sp_addlinkedserver on Server A. Most likely, check you rsecurity setup. Do you have access to Server B and the database, etc?

    Run SQL Profiler on Server B, then reexecute your tests. You should see the connection coming in. What's the result?

    Good luck.

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