Problem with dynamic order by

  • I am having a problem using a dynamic order by statement in a procedure. The procedure follows.

    This lists employment anniversary dates and should be sortable by first name, month of anniversary or total number of years. This works fine for Month and Year sorting, but when I try to sort by name, I get an error msg. "Syntax error converting the varchar value 'Joe ' to a column of data type int."

    Any ideas on how I can fix this?

    CREATE Procedure p_SelectAnniversaries_All       


     @SortBy char(10) = 'Month'     



    SELECT NAME = FirstName, LastName,     

     Years = 

    CASE WHEN DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) < 12 THEN (RTrim(CAST(DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) As Char)) + ' mos')     

     ELSE CAST((DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) / 12)AS Char)    


    DateName(MM,HireDate) + ' ' + CAST(DatePart(YY, HireDate) As Char) As ADate 

    FROM Primary_Directory       

    WHERE Display=1 AND Active = 1 AND HireDate IS NOT NULL 

    ORDER BY CASE      

     WHEN @SortBy='Name' Then FirstName     

     WHEN @SortBy='Years' Then DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) 

     WHEN @SortBy='Month' Then CAST(DatePart(mm, HireDate) AS Char)   



  • Although this may not be a perfect solution - you can use the following as a workaround.

    I have tested it out in the Northwind database and used the Employees table.

    declare @SortBy char(10)

    select @sortBy = 'Name'     

    SELECT FirstName, LastName,     

     Years =

    CASE WHEN DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) < 12 THEN (RTrim(CAST(DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) As Char)) + ' mos')     

     ELSE CAST((DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) / 12)AS Char)    


    DateName(MM,HireDate) + ' ' + CAST(DatePart(YY, HireDate) As Char) As ADate 

    FROM Employees


    ORDER BY CASE      

     WHEN @SortBy='Name' Then ASCII(FirstName)

     WHEN @SortBy='Years' Then DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) 

     WHEN @SortBy='Month' Then CAST(DatePart(mm, HireDate) AS Char)   



    I feel the need - the need for speed

    CK Bhatia

  • I believe the ASCII function produces values based on the first character (at least it did on my test server).  Try this:

    use Northwind

    declare @SortBy char(10)

    select @sortBy = 'Name'  


    SELECT ASCII(FirstName) AS ASCIIValue, FirstName, LastName,    

      Years = CASE WHEN DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) < 12 THEN (RTrim(CAST(DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) As Char)) + ' mos')    

       ELSE CAST((DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) / 12)AS Char)   


     DateName(MM,HireDate) + ' ' + CAST(DatePart(YY, HireDate) As Char) As ADate

    FROM Employees


    ORDER BY CASE     

    -- WHEN @SortBy='Name' Then ASCII(FirstName)

     WHEN @SortBy = 'Name' THEN FirstName

     WHEN @SortBy='Years' Then CONVERT(varchar(50),DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()))

     WHEN @SortBy='Month' Then CONVERT(varchar(50),CAST(DatePart(mm, HireDate) AS Char))


    Everett Wilson

  • Thanks for the help. Neither of these worked. Here's why

    If years is char, or varchar the sort is alphanum. So I get results like this.






    I found that if I CAST the 'Years' to INT it works fine. I don't understand why. I would appreciate it if someone could enlighten me.


  • Hmm, didn't even think of checking the Year and Month order by part of your statement but yeah, string sorting is performed one character at a time with blank (or no more characters) coming before a number and letters coming after numbers (and special characters such as #,%,& before numbers but after blanks).

    Everett Wilson

  • I know this thread is quite old, but I had the same problem today, and after some head scratching, and Google searching, came up with a better solution and the answer to why the error occurs in the first place.

    What you want to do is split the CASE clause into separate statements:


    CASE WHEN @SortBy='Name' Then FirstName END,

    CASE WHEN @SortBy='Years' Then DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) END,

    CASE WHEN @SortBy='Month' Then CAST(DatePart(mm, HireDate) AS Char) END

    The reason is to do with data type precedence; search BOL or read:

    for more info.

  • Or just

    use Northwind

    declare @SortBy char(10)

    select @sortBy = 'Name'  


    SELECT ASCII(FirstName) AS ASCIIValue, FirstName, LastName,    

      Years = CASE WHEN DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) < 12 THEN (RTrim(CAST(DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) As Char)) + ' mos')    

       ELSE CAST((DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate()) / 12)AS Char)   


     DateName(MM,HireDate) + ' ' + CAST(DatePart(YY, HireDate) As Char) As ADate

    FROM Employees


    ORDER BY CASE     

    -- WHEN @SortBy='Name' Then ASCII(FirstName)

     WHEN @SortBy = 'Name' THEN FirstName

     WHEN @SortBy='Years' Then right(space(50) + CONVERT(varchar(50), DateDiff(mm, HireDate, GetDate())), 50)

     WHEN @SortBy='Month' Then right(space(50) + CONVERT(varchar(50), DatePart(mm, HireDate)), 50)


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • The best way to do this is to eliminate the param in the orderby...

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