Problem with 2008 R2 node install on cluster with 2008 SP1 nodes

  • I'm trying to install a SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise node on a cluster that has three other nodes of 2008 Enterprise SP1 (64bit, Win Server 2008 Enterprise). Via the "Advanced Cluster Preparation" option in Setup, if that makes any difference.

    The shared features installed fine, but Database Engine, Replication and Full Text Search all failed.

    There was no error returned, just the red crosses next to the features.

    The Details.txt logfile in the Setup bootstrap folder has entries like this:

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Action "ConfigEvent_SQL_Engine_Core_Inst_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64_Install_Finalize_finalize" will return false due to the following conditions:

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Condition "Feature dependency condition for action: ConfigEvent_SQL_Engine_Core_Inst_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64_Install_Finalize_finalize The condition tests feature: SQL_Engine_Core_Inst_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64. There are 11 dependant features. The feature is tested for results: ValidateResult, Result, CleanupResult." did not pass as it returned false and true was expected.

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Condition is false because the required feature SQL_RsFx_RsFx_Cpu64 failed in result Result

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Action "cluster_group_cluster_finalconfig_Cpu64" will return false due to the following conditions:

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Condition "Feature dependency condition for action: cluster_group_cluster_finalconfig_Cpu64 The condition tests feature: SQL_Engine_Core_Inst_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64. There are 11 dependant features. The feature is tested for results: ValidateResult, Result, CleanupResult." did not pass as it returned false and true was expected.

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Condition is false because the required feature SQL_RsFx_RsFx_Cpu64 failed in result Result

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Action "ConfigEvent_MPT_AGENT_CORE_CNI_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64_Install_Finalize_finalize" will return false due to the following conditions:

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Condition "Feature dependency condition for action: ConfigEvent_MPT_AGENT_CORE_CNI_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64_Install_Finalize_finalize The condition tests feature: MPT_AGENT_CORE_CNI_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64. There are 2 dependant features. The feature is tested for results: ValidateResult, Result, CleanupResult." did not pass as it returned false and true was expected.

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Condition is false because the required feature SQL_Engine_Core_Inst_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64 failed in result Result

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Action "ConfigEvent_SQL_Replication_Core_Inst_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64_Install_Finalize_finalize" will return false due to the following conditions:

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Condition "Feature dependency condition for action: ConfigEvent_SQL_Replication_Core_Inst_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64_Install_Finalize_finalize The condition tests feature: SQL_Replication_Core_Inst_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64. There are 3 dependant features. The feature is tested for results: ValidateResult, Result, CleanupResult." did not pass as it returned false and true was expected.

    2010-09-21 14:29:22 Slp: Condition is false because the required feature SQL_Engine_Core_Inst_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64 failed in result Result

    which don't tell me very much. I'm not getting any luck with Google either.

    Any pointers on what else to look for would be very much appreciated

    Thank you

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  • Hi,

    It's weird nobody replied to your question. Id have liked to know what those errors meant and how to fix them !

  • mazzz

    i'm not clear, are you adding a node to an existing clustered instance or creating a new clustered instance?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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