Problem in Query

  • Hi All,

    I have 4 tables customermaster,usermaster,leadsmaster

    theres a col cAccStatus(old,New) in Customermaster.

    I want to get total sales by a user of old and new accounts like


    Revenue is in leadsmaster

    iam using following qry

    select susername,sum(lps.iqty*lps.cprice) as 'Revenue',cAccStatus from usermaster u

    inner join leadsmaster l on u.iuserid=l.iuserid

    inner join leadproddetails lps on l.ileadid=lps.ileadid

    inner join customermaster c on l.icustomerid=c.icustomerid

    where ileadstatus=3 and dtclosuredate between '2007-09-01' and '2007-09-27'

    and (cAccstatus='New'or cAccstatus='OLD')

    group by cAccstatus,susername with rollup


  • Ahmad -

    I can't tell what the actual question/issue is.  There simply isn't enough info to tell.  Are you looking to have the values on the same line?  It would also be important to give some more specifics on table structure so that we can help you with that...

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • I agree with Matt. You haven't provided enough information. Also it doesn't seem like you need the customer table in your query. Be sure you only join in tables that return columns or are needed for the joins. Easy to forget this and add extra tables because you're used to having them for other queries.

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