Problem in accessing a table in Tempdb

  • Hi Everyone,

    I have problem in accessing a table in tempdb and would appreciate if someone assist me on that.

    Our database is on SQL SERVER 2014. We have a table(table1) that has been created by user1 and with the schema of user1. So the full name of table is tempdb.user1.table1. Now I want to access to this table by User2. I have created a role(role1) in tempdb & model databases and give select permission to User1 schema. If I connect to SSMS by using User2 , I am able to select from tempdb.user1.table1. But if I try to call a sp in other database in which it has reference to tempdb.user1.table1, I face with below error message.

    The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'table1', database 'tempdb', schema 'user1'.

  • It's probably not a good idea to create a permanent table in tempdb. This table will not be there the next time the server re-boots.

    If you are creating a temporary table in tempdb, and it needs to be accessed by another connection, you would need to create the table with a double# in the create table statement.


    And, this is likely not the best approach either.

    What are you trying to accomplish??

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • I agree with, but I can not change that piece of code.

    I also tried and made the User2 as a sysadmin and still I received that permission denied error message. But if I try to access that table through SSMS there is no issue.

  • Is this failing through SSMS or an application?

    It sounds as if the credentials being used to run the the application have been denied access to this schema.

    Try this


    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Here is another thing that I have to add access to that table is happening through stored procedure called

    SP1. This sp is being called by User1, but in sp definition I have the below

    alter procedure SP1

    with execute as User2


    so User1 is calling SP1, but in reality User2 is running the SP1. when I removed the 'with execute as User2' and tried again by User2, it is working. Is there anything special that I should do with 'with execute as User2'

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