Privilages to view datasource properties

  • Hi, 
    is it possible to add privilages for non sysadmin user to view datasources in job properties?
    We have developer team, and they must chceck connections string in jobs (when sql job run SSIS you can change connection string in job) when they have saturday duty.
    I'm lookin for privilages as low as possible not for SQLAgent or SQLOperator role


  • krzysztof.ostrowski - Wednesday, February 14, 2018 7:52 AM

    is it possible to add privilages for non sysadmin user to view datasources in job properties?
    We have developer team, and they must chceck connections string in jobs (when sql job run SSIS you can change connection string in job) when they have saturday duty.
    I'm lookin for privilages as low as possible not for SQLAgent or SQLOperator role


    One option if you don't want to use something like SQLAgentReader role then they could read it from the package itself. If the package is stored on the file system, if they have read permissions to the package they can open the package themselves using notepad or a similar editor. It''s an XML file. The data source is the ConnectionString in the package. If the package is stored in SQL Server, the same XML is the packagedata column of the sysssispackages table in msdb. If they have read access to the table, they can select packagedata and convert it to XML along the lines of:
    SELECT CONVERT(xml, CONVERT(varbinary(max), packagedata)) PackageDefinition
    FROM sysssispackages
    WHERE [name] = 'PackageName'


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