precendence constraint expression isn't evaluating to boolean True / False, but why?

  • Here's the expression:

    @rowcount_24631 == @sqlRowcount_24631

    Datatypes on both sides of the equal sign are INT.

    I applied a success constraint which evaluates if the two values are equal. If they are to proceed with next sequence.

    Why this error?:

    Error at MarinETL_Master: The expression "@rowcount_20452 == @sqlRowcount_20452" must evaluate to True or False. Change the expression to evaluate to a Boolean value.

    Error at MarinETL_Master: There was an error in the precedence constraint between "ROWCOUNT CHECK 20452" and "ROWCOUNT CHECK 24631".


  • Ensure that the variable is of the correct scope.


  • same as KoldKoffee (different computers :-))

    --Quote me

  • Thanks Anshul, that right. I had to change variables scope to package level and error gone.

    --Quote me

  • polkadot (5/13/2015)

    Thanks Anshul, that right. I had to change variables scope to package level and error gone.




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